Weston Peick - R2R
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Weston Peick - R2R

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Here's post from Vital.

PR from Road 2 Recovery.

AutoTrader/Yoshimura/Suzuki Factory Racing rider Weston Peick underwent an extensive first surgery late last night at the hospital he was transported to after he went down and was hit by a following rider during the opening night of the 2018 Paris Supercross. Peick was heavily sedated to help relieve the extreme pain from his injuries and post-op surgeries. His first successful surgery was to fix the multiple nose, eye and other facial fractures including two breaks in his jaw and dual dislocation of the jaw bone from his skull. His injuries are extensive and very serious but the doctors have confirmed no brain or spinal damage has occurred, and he is expected to make a full recovery. Peick is now awake and under minor sedation to help offset the tremendous pain he is in.

The extended international hospital stay, two surgeries, and medically necessary assisted air transfer are accumulating towering medical bills that Peick’s international and US insurance policies will not cover 100% of. Road 2 Recovery’s board members have approved a grant to contribute to the funds needed to get Weston back home. The medical bills are projected to be far greater than his insurance and the R2R grant can cover. A R2R-Fund has been set up to get him back home.

Below is the link to Weston's R2R-Fund and attached is the complete press release with more details. Weston has always gone above and beyond for others in need, we hope that we’ll be able to do the same for him.

Link to Weston’s R2R-Fund page- https://road2recovery.com/cause-view/weston-peick/.

Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 886

We will be selling raffle tickets at our Toy Drive race on Dec 2nd.  ALL MONEY raised from the sale of these tickets will be donated to R2R.  Please support R2R and Weston.

