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Thank You All

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I wanted to take the time to say thank you, to everyone for coming out and supporting the club at LACR for the South National!!

I also wanted to thank all of you who helped out to make the 2017 South National one of the best Nationals, I've attended.
Everything fell into place, great friends, track, racing, raffle and the food was awesome, just to mention a few!!

Special thanks to all the board members who put in countless hours over the 4 days period, and all the scorekeepers who did an exceptional job, thank you all!!!

Board Members
President - James Van Duinwki
Vice President - Rich Hurtado
Race Director - Matt Tallman
Statistician - Keith Brockmann
Secretary - Steve (Elvis) Mizrahi
Treasurer - Tommy Pearl
Web Director - Michael Long

Starr Stitley
Su Cumbo
Kris TooTall
Amber Wasserburger

Raffle Ticket Seller
Ben Paris (Sexiest of all-time!!)

Chris Cumbo

Let's do it again in 2018!!

Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 45

Thank you Arch and everyone that worked to put the great weekend of racing together.  It was a blast! Good racing, good people....see you in 2018

Lifetime Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1896

My sentiments exactly, Jeff.
What a great weekend and not to mention the +- 20 rider volunteers who helped set things up on Thursday afternoon.
The competition of the racing going on till late on Saturday and Sunday and everyone having such a good time racing I didn't hear any complaints about how long the day was  being on the track.
Richard Hurtado did a top-notch job with the raffle. So many fine raffled items and free gifts given away . A strong vice president and staying calm and cool as the weekend got underway. Organizing the pre-entry sign up bags,trophies  – Vendor row '  etc. etc.
JVD... Out did himself as president overseeing the events and actually saying on  the microphone at the raffle him saying " I want a win tomorrow" and winning the fourth Moto!
Mike Long worked through the computer problems and did so much behind-the-scenes.
Everything came together with the help of each board member doing his part in making the event another great South national .
The riders who drove so far will long remember and would want to return next year (where ever we may be holding our National).
