Won a pair of the no fear boots at the raffle 8) Size 10 😮 how do I exchange them for a size 9 😉
Thanks Chucky
Won a pair of the no fear boots at the raffle 8) Size 10 😮 how do I exchange them for a size 9 😉
Thanks Chucky
Buy thick socks. 😀
Won a pair of the no fear boots at the raffle 8) Size 10 😮 how do I exchange them for a size 9 😉
Thanks Chucky
chuck you know what they say about guys with small feet? YOu poor guy.
Won a pair of the no fear boots at the raffle 8) Size 10 😮 how do I exchange them for a size 9 😉
Thanks Chuckychuck you know what they say about guys with small feet? YOu poor guy.
8-1/2 EE don't pity Charlie tuna can 😉
I would say check your local shop that carries them and they sometimes will do a straight trade.
I have a brand new pair of Gaerne's size nine maybe a trade....???
Yeah give me a call 818-231-6812
I have a pair of slightly used H-points collecting dust in the garage somewhere. Will that help??? You know real leather never goes out of style.
Bob G
Any news on the last minute polling? Get the Joker on the blaster!
I had a blue pair the best boots I ever had. Actually I had two pairs. I sheared a guys bars off at Indian dunes I landed on his bike and the metal shin plate saved a broken shin for sure. wish they still made leather anything.
Chucky -- if you can't swap out with someone, give them to me and I'll get them exchanged at No Fear.