How to post your Go...
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How to post your GoPro video!

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It's time to post your video!

We see a lot of GoPro's out there and it would be really cool to have video from all the club! It's not difficult to post your video.  So for anyone who hasn't done it, here's what I do to get my video uploaded and posted on the gang website!

This is what you'll need:
o A GoPro
o GoPro Studio software (free download from gopro)
o Usb adapter that accepts the memory chip (recommended for faster file transfer, but it's not required)
o A YouTube account (its free and you can use your google credentials)

1. Turn on your GoPro and capture practice or a moto or two.

2. Transfer the file(s) to your home computer or laptop.  I use a USB adapter to quickly transfer my files.

3. Open up GoPro Studio and it is a two step process.  The first part is to mark out the video segments.  You may want a special clip for making a slow-motion section!.  I usually edit just enough to save from the gate drop to the checkers, but you edit as you want... it's your video!  The second part is to save your clips into a storyboard.  You can use the Studio software to join clips together as you want.  I usually just save one clip of video (drag it into the single default frame), but I always save in 720p and as mp4 type for easy playback on any device.

4. Log on to your YoutTube account (it's free and uses your google account if you want), to upload your file(s).  Fill in the some of the descriptions and notes and let your computer do its thing to upload it.  Make sure your video is flagged as public too.

5. After it's been uploaded, click Publish, then click on the shown link (and stop the video from playing).  The internet address will then have a new general link ... copy that link.  You want to copy the link that contains "" address ... don't copy the embedded link because the plug-in won't recognize it - it will only show as a link when you post with that.

6. Go to the Gang web site Video/Photo section, and create a new post.  Then paste your hyperlink directly. 
The web site can now handle links containing either http or https for you tube.  So just copy the link and the you tube plug-in will be used automatically when the post is published or previewed.  Then click Preview so you can verify your link works and you should see the plug-in version start of your video.  Then click Post if its good.

Example: (I've added a spaces to show the contents)
h t t p  : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = r u A g b h n V N Q w
h t t p s  : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = r u A g b h n V N Q w

My internet at home isn't that fast, so it could take a couple hours to upload sometimes so I usually set up the copy for overnight then in the morning I'll post on the gang web site.

I hope this helps!

Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 18

This will be a lot of help, thanks Michael.
