OTHG Club Meeting T...
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OTHG Club Meeting Tonight!

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Do not forget the club meeting is tonight, a few things to discuss, National, CV chapter, etc.

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1915

Poll Results:

Question: Should we re-address the full colored background rule?   (Voting closed: Today at 08:55:47 PM)

Yes, the full color backgrounds do not work - 19 (33.3%)
No, leave it the way it is,  FULL color backgrounds - 38 (66.7%)
Total Voters: 57

Question: Should the OTHG re evaluate the age divisions in the club?  (Voting closed: Today at 08:56:15 PM)

Yes, go to three, we have too many classes. (ie. 30, 40, 50) - 19 (37.3%)
No, the four age division are fine. (30, 38, 45, 52) - 32 (62.7%)
Total Voters: 51

Question: Should we discuss going back to the "Eval" Red Tank rule?

Yes, the Red Tanks were much better - 31 (63.3%)
No, the red "Eval" stickers work just fine. - 18 (36.7%)
Total Voters: 49

Question: What color style would you like to see the OTHG National "Mark Martin" shirt made in?   

Tie-Dye - "Just give peace a chance" - 12 (28.6%)
White - " I'm Mr. Conservative" - 10 (23.8%)
Grey - "I'm not Mr. Conservative, but I'm not a Rebel" - 10 (23.8%)
Black - "I'm a Rebel" - 8 (19%)
Camo - "I'm Rambo" - 2 (4.8%)
Total Voters: 42

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1666

JP, you forgot to mention that Mike made record time on the meeting.  🙂  That alone deserves a big thumbs up!  In general the meetings are pretty fun to attend.  Everyone should try to attend one at least once.

