cool surgery pics
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cool surgery pics

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I hope this is not to gross, I think it is amazing what they can do to us fools! 😀

Well, they tell me I am all fixed up!  HA!  Never been so miserable in my life, out side of my trip to the ER!  11 days post-op and went for post-op visit yesterday I was told 4 weeks I will remain tied to my sling pillow thing and NOTHING...NOTHING no PT...NOTHING for 4 weeks as well...just my dangle pendulum exercise... REALLY? 😮

Well, yes, because they are trying to get the muscle/tendon to adhere back to the bone as there is really no other way to get it to remain in place.  I got a DVD of segments of the 2 1/2hour surgery and it is really cool too. :-X

Trying to find something positive to say because the reality is it has been horrible and For all the shoulders before mine and all the others to follow...I am sorry because there is nothing but a great surgeon and lots of time and good pain meds in between that will make you feel any better.  Next appointment is 16 July, and if all goes well, I will then start slow rehab with PT. :-*

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take your time!!!!!!!!!!!!  health first!!!!!!!!!! you will come back even stronger!!!!!!!!!!!!  wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Wishing you the best Linda! Being on injured reserve requires lots of patience and that positive attitude you already have. You will be doing PT before you know it.  Good luck and keep us posted.

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Linda cool photo's get well soon stay positive before you know it you will be back doing what you love racing take care  :-* :-* ;D ;D

Elvis 537g
Viva Las Vegas

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  Linda,  I started to look at the pics and started getting sick.....Sorry.....but this is coming from the person who couldn't even look down at my leg after the crash.  I know, I'm a wuss, Ha!  Be patient, do what the doc says, and trust me, it will be better than before!  Like I was told...Motocross isn't going anywhere, it will be there when you are healthy and come back,  😉 😀    Can't emphasize how important it is to let yourself heal completely.  Hope to see you soon!!!  😀

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Get well soon Linda. Hope to see you and your family up in Hollister.

Mike Cosaert 929g

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Posts: 269

take it easy 22g.  Its going to seem like forever but its not.  You will be stronger than ever in 8 months and will be pain free too.  You will be saying its the best move you could have made.  Heal up quick and we'll see ya up north

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Posts: 78

Linda, hope you heal quickly and completely. I thought the pics looked familiar. I had a video of my shoulder surgery and it was cool for the first 20 minutes, then I realized it was my shoulder they were working on and I started to get just a wee bit ill 😀

Good lick with your recovery.

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Thanks gals/guys...funny Wes...ortho surgeons are rough... 20 days post-op and I still have bruising where I think they held my arm in place while they hammered the 4 anchors into the bone... 
But I am getting better slowly, back down to pain meds only to sleep, and back full time to work...still tied up but getting ready to start hitting the gym and finding stuff I can that is a good thing! RIGHT?!

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Im glad you are doing better Linda....We miss you at the track big time.  Good luck with the recovery and I hope to see you soon.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

