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Well that's it folks, the end of the season and my last "how was your day report" The day was really good, except for the whoops (sorry Bob 15g, Marty W 120g and Ron 136g) they were very awkward.  Overall I thought the track was fun just wish I had more time on it and my best part was watching my son really work that 125, that was just so cool ;D
Thanks Blix for scaring the shit out of me with my future surgeries, now I am very nervous. So with that said today was my last race. I need to let my body heal and take a break (for personal, financial and medical reasons) So you all enjoy a great racing season next year and I should be back in 2013/14.

So how was your day? 

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Posts: 449

Good luck with the surgery Ray and I hope you heal up quickly and correctly.
How did things end up with our local top 3 finishers for the year? Did Ben hang on to his position?
I'm suffering from withdrawals from not being there today so any and all info is appreciated.

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Posts: 147

I had fun even though my back brake didn't work.
It's my last race for awhile too, I have knee replacement surgery scheduled for the first week of January and after I recover from that they're going to replace the other one. I think next September is probably the earliest I be able to get back on the bike. I wonder how bad the withdrawl will be. Is there a Betty Ford clinic for moto withdrawl?

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I had a lot of fun, I felt bad for those who crashed though. 🙁 that's starwest for you though. I took it easy in the back and gave you guys a semi goon ride show lol. Hope to see you all @ the banquet! 🙂

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well the doc told me friday i need hip replacement,

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by the way what happen to supercross marty westerman

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Posts: 147

Marty was one of the victims of the track, crashed out early and hurt his hand.
You wanna trade a hip for a knee?

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Posts: 534

WOW!!  That's it!! Finished!! 2011 is Done and in the record books!!  It turned out to be a beautiful day, thanks to all of you for a fantastic 2011 season!!  With all its ups and downs, of course that's what happens in a typical family, right?

Congratulations to our top 3 finishers!!!  As usual an awesome podium celebration!!

Here's to Ron Redd, Bobby G, Marty Westerman and the Oldtimer that rode today.  I'm sorry can't remember his name right now.  Hope you are all doing okay.  Please keep us updated.

Did you guys see Jim Roth visiting today!!

A GREAT BIG Thank you to all the 2011 Board members and Scorekeepers!! 

Love to you all!!

Karen :-*

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Frank Derby, is his name Karen. He rode after a big get off in practice.

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This is Bruce #1 GF Susan,
    I hear there was some fantastic racing going on!  🙂 Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you all for the end of great year and even more to see my #1 on the podium!  ;D Can't wait to see you all at the banquet in January and even at more races next year!  Susan   

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Good Morning all,
I want to thank everyone again for another awesome year.

Congrats to Bruce Ashmore for his #1... There is nobody who deserves it more. He has supported this club for many years now, he has the iron man award every year I think, he is very fast on a motorcycle, not to mention a very good friend. Way to go Bruce....

Congrats to Arnie Davis for his #2...another supporter of the club for many years who is very well deserving. Welcome to your next chapter in the expert class. Great team race Arnie, sorry about screwing up my first turn.

I can't congratulate myself, someone else will have to do that........ Well, maybe I can pat myself on the back.

I am really looking forward to next year. I want to give back to this club and I hope the 2012 board makes for another spectacular season, without forgetting those before us who have sacrificed for the growth of the OTHG.
The club will survive forever if all stick together as family and friends. The OTHG family will never cease to exist.

Thank you to all the ladies for their constant support, we would be nowhere without them. Not only the scorers who work so hard but all the wives/girlfriends/husbands who support what we do.

Everyone who got hurt yesterday, please take the time to heal correctly and get back as soon as possible.

Happy Holidays to all and see everyone at the banquet.

Ben Paris

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Posts: 992

  I not only had a great time yesterday, I had a great time this whole year !!!  😀 😀 😀 


    Thank you to all the Ladies who sign us up, score us, hear us bitch, etc. and for being there no matter how crappy the weather can get sometimes!!!!  😀 😀 😀

    This year was challenging for me on a few different levels and I'm feeing pretty good about it this morning!!!  😀  I did a few things I didn't think I would be able to do, etc.  And if my numbers are correct hopefully...I squeezed into the top 25 YAY!  I didn't see that happening, especially at the beginning of the year.
Thank you to everyone who gave me continuous support either through a good hug, good advice, old war stories of their crashes and coming back, listening to me whine about being nervous, etc.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!  😀 😀 😀

    Last but not least, thanks to the Board for all of your hard work, especially through some of our more challenging times!  😮 😀 😀 😀

    Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Banquet!!!  Looking forward to being able to dance this year,  😮  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  😀

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Congrats to everyone who cracked the top 25 this year  8) Sorry I missed the top three celebration, it's been a pleasure to watch you guys race all this year.

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I Had a fun day yesterday. I am finally starting to feel like myself again on a bike.
I only wish Bob had not hurt himself.

Congrats to the fellas who finished in the top 3.

See ya next year for a brand new show.

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 992

Thanks to everyone on the 2011 board for doing such a great job all year. Starwest is not my cup of tea, but none the less I had a great time. The team race was so much fun, we need to do that more next year. Thanks again to everyone for there hard work during the 2011 season.

Mike Cosaert 929g

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