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the upcoming race at Starwest & a brief return to posting

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I have decided to return to posting because I wanted to remind people why the race at Starwest is important to this club.
Those of you who know me know that this is my favorite track. For the last few years I have gained a reputation as someone with (for a novice good jumping skills). Earlier this year once in april and then again in June I was injured. The second time was a relatively high speed get off at starwest on a gap double that used to run along the street. I made an error in judgement and paid the price for my mistake. At that point in time I had been racing for 12 years and had never been injured. Despite the fact that I have personally seen people be injured and eve die doing this sport I never believed in my heart that it would happen to me. I believed this because in my heart I believed that I never would allow myself to make a bad decision. As foolish as this sounds it is what I truly believed. On that day something changed. despite the fact I suffered a minor injury in the moment I crashed for the first time in 12 years I saw my own mortality and it frightened me to the core of my being. Six months later and I still have been unable to get beyond that fear. I no longer am able to jump things without fear welling up inside of me and thinking about what could happen if things go wrong. So I don't race with the abandon that I use to feel before this accident occurred.
But I still race, I do this because I believe with all my heart that I will get past this fear and that I will return to racing with the sense of abandon that I use to feel.
I don't jump anything at Starwest currently and by sunday whether I find the courage and the skill to jump some things out there or all of the things out there  or NONE of the obstacles there I will race.

I will race because that is why I joined this club. We race on many different courses NONE of them are natural terrain courses. They are all man made in one way or another. Some have many jumps and some have almost none. Some are very high speed and some are not but ALL of them are motocross tracks.
I believe that you will only get better and more skilled by facing the things in this sport that are difficult or scary. This does not mean that I will over come them but rather I will face them so that one day I may overcome them.
I believe it is important to race every race that I can. This enables the club I belong to get revenue so that they may continue holding races at a wide variety of tracks.
If I choose to only race at the tracks I like the club loses revenue and It means the choices become more and more limited until one day that club becomes REM. Racing at one venue all year long.

So I would implore the membership to race this coming weekend.
If you don't feel safe jumping something don't jump it.  At beginner and some novice classes very few people may jump anything on this track.
That does not mean that they won't be racing. It simply means that they will not be jumping.
Do not let a track intimidate you. Roll what you need to and race where you can. You will learn more doing this than you ever can by staying home.

Just my two cents.

Steve Landsberg
52 Novice

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Nice post and I for one will be racing from jump to jump and maybe even jump a jump 😮 😮 😮 can't wait to see you all  ;D ;D

Elvis 14g
Viva Las Vegas

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Great post Steves..........yes Starwest has its challeges and if things were different I would race, especially after having such a good time at Glen Helen. Being the last race of the year I thing it would be great to see one and all come out and wittness a close to yet another memorable season.

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lets be real.. anyone can ride the track.. but even not jumping the jumps makes you more tired and prone to mistakes.. i agree with Steve about being smart and coming out to support the club..
at the same time we as a club, due owe it to our members to have a safe track and an awesome day of fellowship.. but there are times when a track is so one sided that a concern must be addressed. no one wants any of us to go on a stretcher at the last event, so if taming it down a bit helps I'm all for it.

i was there Friday when a lot of gang guys were there and it seemed to me that everyone i talked to was on the same page as in toning it down a bit..

lets all come out and root for the top three guys as they go head to head and spread some good time cheer all around.. 😀 😀 😀


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  I am glad you are posting too Steve !!!  Keep doing it !!!  😀  Looking forward to the last race of the year!!!  It is a difficult track for me....but hey....I didn't think I could ride up and down Mt. St. Helen's in the pouring rain for 45 minutes,  😮  HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  😉  😀

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After a long telephone conversation with Waggs, we've come to the conclusion that, he really loves Starwest and I really love REM.  ;D Shocker eh?  😮
I'll be at Starwest  😉 I'll be there to witness the crowning of the #1 plate holder, and to cheer on the top 25 as they fight for their numbers.
Starwest is the traditional last race of the year for the Gang, has been as long as I've been a member. To me it is the culmination of another great year of racing with the club. To me it really is more than my personal achievements. This year with the way we score points brought a new group of folks to the top 25. Put more emphasis on the "race" for the #1 plate.  8) 8) 8)

So I'll be there with my "fear" I'll drop the gate with Dan, or drop the gate "FOR" Dan (he's worked his butt off for us this year) or just hang out and chat the day away. Another shocker  😮 😮 😮  😀 And I like Starwest, just dosen't lend it's self to my fear factor right now.  😉

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Yes, me and John were going to get with them this week and go over our concerns with the track.  We will ask them if they could possibly convert a couple of jumps into tables or at least add dirt to the back side of some of the bigger doubles (making a small leading table) so you can keep the flow going.  Now granted, there's limits to everything but we will do our best to work with them.  As always, we never want anyone to get hurt so please ride within your limits.  This applies to all tracks.

We'd love for everyone to come out and have fun, but if you have issues with Starwest in particular, then we understand.  The last race of the year is special since we celebrate the top 3 riders and crown the new number 1 plate holder.  For me, my one and only top 3 finish was pretty special...something I'll never forget.  ...And to watch these guys spray each other with champagne...well it just doesn't get better than that!  If you can, please come out and support these guys...I think they deserve it.



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Posts: 233

You know it kills me to say this Steve, but, great post. Now if you could just focus that intellect on the evils of smoking!


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I wonder if I still have a shot at the # 1 plate? 😮

How many points am I behind? ;D

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Thanks for the kind words Lee.
As for the smoking If I quit I might have to turn pro.
Think of it as my handicap. I know I do.

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I wonder if I still have a shot at the # 1 plate? 😮

How many points am I behind? ;D

LOL, I am going to give you a run for your money carl! Jk if you ride like you rode on the carlsbad track at The Ranch you got it in the bag!
Meegan is going to give it a shot friday and if she feels comfy she will be a new member and racing on sunday! As for me I'm in! Let's keep it safe and have fun like always!
