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So I am hoping they cancel this race because of rain, no luck. I get there at 1:15pm sign in, around 1:30 its starts to rain, Great 🙁
Dead engine start, put my bike in 2nd (yes my 4 stroke starts in gear), kick starter ready, one kick I am off. Holeshot on the 250F, Only problem I have no idea where I am going. So I get pass, first lap was really sh_tty as I am learning the track, but after that 

"I had the most fun ever racing in the rain"

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Posts: 3686

Races like today............So much fun I cannot describe.

For those that did not race, It was a "dust free" GP, not a spec of dust to be seen all race.  8)

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I was sort of on the fence about running this gp. I have to say,  I'm glad Cherie and I went.  We had so much fun.  We will definitely go back to do it again.  Reid thank you for setting it up for us.

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  That was a great race. The layout was amazing. To Marty Highlander great ride by the time I got around Chris you were gone great ride. Thanks to all of you that came out and played in the rain.

  Mike Cosaert 929g

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Had a blast "floundering" in the mud behind fast Bobby G  8)

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Posts: 449

EPIC! What a great day. That track layout was probably the best I have ever ridden there, so fun. When the rain came there were a few spots that got really slick but for the majority of the track it just got better and better. I feel bad for those that didn't make it because it was an absolute blast. Maybe next season we can sneak a couple GP's in.
I'm not gonna make Starwest so I will see you all at the banquet. Happy Holidays! 

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More fun "then a barrel full of monkeys".


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and a barrel of monkeys is really fun..

x1 bob


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Posts: 523

Came just to hang out and just had to say what the hell, so worth it, what a my time with the Gang is coming to a break in the action today is only going  to miss all this so much harder ...........still so worth it.

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What a blast, one of the best GP courses I have ever ridden.  It was good seeing everyone and hope to see everyone at Starwest. Wish I could have ran Ron's pace but it was not going to happen, glad that everyone had a safe and fun day!

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Posts: 449

Came just to hang out and just had to say what the hell, so worth it, what a my time with the Gang is coming to a break in the action today is only going  to miss all this so much harder ...........still so worth it.

  So stoked you got to ride today Pete ;D ;D ;D

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Fun Fun Fun
5 laps was not enough. 

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Posts: 534

Great seeing everyone today  ;D  Sorry we had to leave early, we had to get to a family baby shower for Jeff's cousin at 4pm.  Sounds like everyone had fun!  Wow 1 more race and this season is over :'(.  Its gone by so fast this year.

Anyone know how Eric Warrington is doing?  Heard he has a broken collarbone and ribs 🙁

Heal up soon Eric.


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I have to admit I was a little hesitant when the rain started. After reflecting, I am so glad we all did this.

Besides my not being able to see very well, (my goggles fogged half way through and had to run the last lap without them), it was the best layout for a GP I have ever been to. Glen Helen has that perfect combo of dirt and sand right now and the added length of the REM track and the truck track made this a awesome event.

Thank you to Glen Helen and SRA for their hospitality, I'll never forget this one.....

Ben P.

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Posts: 992

  I have to admit that today I feel a bit of accomplishment and here is why.  First off, Mt. St. Helens is a challenge in good conditions let alone rain,  the 45 minute race, mud, etc.  I really was hesistant and didn't think I could do it.  I was wrong.  I did it and had alot of fun doing it!!!  😀 😀 😀  It turned out that the 45 min and Mt. St. Helens wasn't the big obstacle.......The damn cement tunnel we went through was my thorn as I crashed in it  :o.  I apologize to whoever I crashed in front of.  I smacked my hip pretty good and tried to get my bike back up as soon as possible.  Thank you to all who gave a thumbs up either passing me and from the sidelines!!!  It means alot !!! 😀 😀 😀    The whole thing forced me to challenge myself and I had a BLAST doing it!!!  😀

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