Anybody thinking about racing REM on Sat?
Glen Helen's website lists Sat as MX practice as well.
Who's in? Who's camping?
Check the weather is says Showers for the weekend
😮 Bring back the heat - Oh well, I have been working on my track at home, Makes it easier to work on when it rains, plus I am off a few days next week - should be fun 😛
Looks like I would like to try for practice this Thursday afternoon .
It looks like sun on Thursday...
Want to come out then?
I'll be out sat eve. to be ready for A.M. practice...
Barb and I will be there Sat evening, see ya then. Marty
jim you got private track? i'm coming over there
Not to ride sat...maybe to camp and hang out is going to be good...NO rain...norain....Monday, it can rain!
Hey Roger, I do - its nothing massive but we have fun. I takes me some time to move dirt, I have a small loader. I just can't seem to get my wife to agree that I need a dozer.
Hey if you got a bucket on the front that's all you need. I. an help build you something safe and fun.
Yep - it has a loader, it holds maybe 1/4 yd and it has a 4ft box scraper on the back
Here are a couple more photos
My sweeper berm I am working on and a small whoop section
Oh yeah I can have some fun with that.
wow jim thats awesome ......your living the dream!!!!!
Thanks 😀 - it's cool, just not sure my wife always feels that way 😮 I was on my tractor last night until late trying to take advantage of the moisture from the recent rains - perfect time to move dirt. I have some good neighbors for sure, the guy up the road has a full tilt 4th gear track.
Thats cool..
Hey Jim,
The track looks good. I will be out early Saturday at GH. Hey same spot as last time??? See you all there.