Tulare National Upd...
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Tulare National Updates

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Joined: 16 years ago
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Heard from Elaine this morning, (our South Chapter girls are scorekeeping for the Valley guys this weekend) its been raining all night.  They are going to get practice started at 9am and possibly only do a one moto format today 🙁

Be safe everyone :-*


Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 546

yes we did run a 1 moto format.
i won
rick wade got 2nd
lombardo got a 3rd

Bruce. # 3 g 2011

Joined: 16 years ago
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Thank you Bruce for the update!!

Good luck today you guys/gals!!

Go South Chapter 😀

Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 546

To all that made my weekend at the Nationals a wonderful experience,
    This is Bruce's GF Susan! Thank you to all of his friends who made me feel welcomed and part of the OTHG Family. This was the first time I'd had ever seen a motocross race and loved every moment of it. I learned so much and could see how close all of your friendships have become over the years. Rick, thank you for the cookies! Marion, hope your shoulder is healing fast!
    Bruce, you are awesome and congratulations in winning all 3 of your races. So proud of you! I am so excited to see many more races and wins!

                                                    Bruce's 3g GF Susan

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Welcome to our OTHG family Susan  ;D

We weren't able to go to Tulare last weekend, but hopefully we'll get to meet you soon. 🙂


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Posts: 1915

Did we ever get the corrected results? Or is the Bay link correct results?
