calling all 30/38 b...
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calling all 30/38 beg

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Hey guys I'm new to this site I've been in the club for a year.. I'm headed down to tulare for the nat tomorrow night and was wondering if any 30/ 38 beginner or going to be there

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Naw.  I can't make it.  I'm a SoCal guy, and probably won't be traveling outside of the Hesperia-Riverside-Elsinore triangle.

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Since there is practically no one in the 30/38 classes maybe its time for this club to change to 40+ 50+ 60+ since the other chapters seemed to be pushing for this 60+ class. The 45+ class has more riders showing than all the 30/38 classes combined at a race.

      Just a thought

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I'm not going cause it's not in my budget.. Eric taken an opportunity at anytime to show your displeasure i see.


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No I'm not trying to cause anything, just something maybe the club should think about.. There are more guys 40+ than under 40. My class has only had more than 1 during the summer series. When that was over it was back to nobody. How many times have you raced yourself this year Rodger? I'm sure more than you would have like to. This isn't a big surprise that the 30/38 classes are dying out. Its been this way for the last few years.. I think adding the 60+ is just killing off the 52+ classes at this time i'm sure it will work a few years down the road.. Maybe turn the 30/38 and combined them. Have a class structure like this 30+ 45+ 52+. This might be a good way to have riders in all the lower age groups. Like i said it a thought i think should be looked into to help build classes.

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Just another thought" New" people don't want to look at our results and see low turn out in the classes. If you saw that would that make you want to come out and race? If people see they have guys to race then they will show up to race with us which will build the membership..

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202g.  Why would you take a thread that was meant to be enthusiastic and turn it into the gutter.  You claim to want whats best for the club but continue to be a Debbie Downer.  Start your own thread on changing the age groups (again).  Or better yet cross over the anger bridge and come to friendship shores to enjoy all the things your club does right. 

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1 I'm not angry chris. I think its sad that a member from your chapter has to ask guys to come out to race so he has guys to race with at a NATIONAL. I'm not being a debbie downer as you say. You need to realize chris that if it wasn't for you the bay and the seirra to race together at all your races you would have the same problem. Re-read my post and you'll will understand that it is relevant to Mr. hamiltons post. I like said it was a thought and i think should be looked into.
  So why are you trying to call me names and bashing me. Have i said anything about you or to you no i didn't. So you need to STFU. I respectfully expressed my thoughts. I think you should be banned from this forum cause all you want to do is bash people on here. You need to stop being a jackass.

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😀  Our member did it on all forums go gather support and share his enthusiasm.  We have the same problem with the youngest and the oldest class having the least amount of racers regardless of combining chapters.  But he wasnt sniveling about it, it was just a shout out.  What is sad is that a guys who has made 4 races this year comes on the forum like he has all the answers.  Participate in the club, make a meeting, and you'll see all the hard work that these fine gentlemen do day in and day out and you wont be so quick to try and throw a monkey wrench into the works.  I wont debate with you on the forum anymore, I dont want to make it any harder for you that it already is.  If you want to pm me I'm sure we can hash it out.  Plus I'm loading up for Tulare, maybe we can get it done there, if your coming...

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Well just so you know i've to all the meetings but the last two. I know the hard work involved cause i was a board member before. I expected Mr.hamilton did do it all chapter forums. I never said he was sniveling. I thought it was cool that he did that but i wish he had the riders for his class to show up so he wouldn't have to do it. This is why i made a suggestion about combining the 30/38.I think both age groups can benefit from this.. If the board decides to look into it great if not so be it.. It probably would have been a better idea he did this a few weeks ago rather than last minute..

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Eric, start recruiting. I came from 30 Novice where we had about 10 guys. Started telling friends, they told their friends and we had 15-20. Then some of us got bumped and now in intermediates where some intermediates got bumped to expert. Still, our average local race we have 10 guys in 30 Int. Its all about talking to people at the tracks and telling your friends how cool the club is.

Its easier for a 30/38 guy to do that then a 45 or 52 trying to recruit a 30. People see your their same age and having a blast, they will want to join. Works for us up here. Look at our points, there are about 19 guys in 30/38 classes in top 50 in points, your club has about 6, 2 are in there 30's. I dont know you so Im not trying to attack you but I bet if you put as much effort as you do posting on forum into recruiting new members your club could have full gates in any class. ASgain not a attack on you, I think your very passionate from what you post. So turn it into a positive rather then so much negative. OTHG is as much my club as it is yours and every other member. In a individual area, we may be nothing or we may be small but as a whole the OTHG is the best and biggest Vet club around.

And not to go off on a whole different subject but Ill touch on it lightly. Backgrounds, class structure and cost, Well we can continue to rip it or talk it up in a positive. If you try hard enough, you can make anything sound great. Why does OTHG cost more, well we have less classes, we get in and get out and dont spend 12 hours at track. Why backgrounds, well it helps sepsrate the skill levels and if ever a open practice it helps faster and slower guys pick eachother out for safety. Plus if your ever at a practice day and riding a track by yourself, you look over and see some yellow backgrounds, green etc, bound to be a OTHG buddy, go over and say hello, you meet guys you sometimes dont see at OTHG races. I love going to track on a saturday morning at and I see a bunch or brightly colored backgrounds and "b's' on theiur plates. Lets me know I got friends there that would help me out if I had a problem, We all look out for eachother. Lastly, class structure, it is what makes the OTHG the OTHG. May not be right or wrong, but its who we are and who you have been. Makes us different. Gives older guys a close break in age to seperate classes as we age.If Im 48, Im not stuck with 40-50 years olds, know Im riding with 45-52, different mind set and different health then a 40 year old. Helps keep everyone feeling competitive. Anyways, it is what it is. Dont try to change it unless there REALLY is a major flaw. Run with it, pump it up and watch it grow. We gained 145 new members this year and are sitting at 365 members. Not from one guy, but all of us pumping up the club and proud to be OTHG. Dont like it, no hard feeleings, theres always other places to ride that will take your money and not care as much about you..........

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And by the way, typically beginer class is smaller, most dont stay there long. Usually quick to move to novice, a little slower to intermediate and longer to move to expert. So id expect small beginner classes, safe and good way to get feet wet, gain some skill and move up to Novice.

Besides he is a newer guy and just pumped up to be racing. Trying to rally his other beginners to come out, no harm in that. He is progressing and in no time will be sitting on the gate with 15-20 Novices going holy crap, this is a BIG

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Here's the thing Mike I'm not talking about just the beginner class I'm referring to all the classes in these age groups. As i mention you guys are able to fill the gate cause you and Sierra race together at ALL your local races. Try racing on your own and see how many guys show up for each class.. I have recruited many people to the club but they all are in the 45+ or have been to young to race with us.. Plus we are not the only club down here so it makes it difficult to get riders to come over.. With clubs like X racing which has huge giveaways thats where the Vet riders seem to be going along with the better exposer. My suggestion to combine 30/38 as one is guaranteed to make bigger gates in all those classes which will make the racing that much enjoyable.. By the way i wasn't trying to change the 45+ or 52+ cause thats the strong hold of this club. The 30/38 is the weak end of this club and it doesn't help when you guys allowed to let guys move up in age 6 months before they are suppose to. That really killed these age group.. How am i being negative when i'm just making a suggestion for people to look into? Like i said before your chapter needs to race on there own to understand what i'm saying..

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Ok MIke heres a little tid bit on your supposed average of 10 to 15 guys in the 30 int class. This is based off of just your chapter at these races. Not including Nationals.

  Feb 6 = 6 riders

  march 6= 3 riders

  april 3= 7 riders

  april 17= 6 riders

  may 15= 2 riders

  june 11= 9 riders

  june 25= 3 riders

  july 9= 5 riders

  july 23= 8 riders

  aug 6= 7 riders

  aug 21= 4 riders

  oct 30= 6 riders

  So where is this average of 10 to 15 at every race that you speak of? You haven't hit 10 nor 15 riders.. There were a few races that not 1 Sierra guy showed up..


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I wouldnt say we need to race on our own. We cover about a 2 hour area of tracks, just like you guys. We probbaly really should only be one Chapter, but we are two. It would be like you guys having a South Chapter for most of L.A and then a Boarder Chapter for San Diego. You would be so close you would race together, so in the end the race numbers and membership dont change much. I actucally consider Bay/Sierra ONE club because we race together and work so closely together, its more like one club with two regions.

Anyways I know its tough, since you have competiton down there. Our only competiton is locla tracks running night series.  I first tried a gang race then did a local track night series race with CMC promoting. There were 3 of us in 30+ Novice and the guys ran like expert/masters speeds. So it was no fun. Then I did 450 class and I was lined up with 18 and 19 year olds. Im 35 and act like Im 20 but I felt old on the gate and watch these kids take eachother out. After that race i cherished the OTHG and what it stould for. Fair racing with a good break up of age and skill.

You guys have a large region but if people worked hard enough i know you could lure people back and gain new riders. There are many guys turning 30 every years or in there 40's buying a dirtbike again trying to re-live their youth. The oppurtunity is there, just needs some hard work. I hate to sound like im preaching but I truly love the OTHG. Ive made some great friends that I will grow old with. Ive felt like James Stewart for a day taking the checkered as everyone cheered me on. I truly have had more fun racing with OTHG then I ever did doing any other sports, road racing etc. I know others feel the same and I only wish that others find the friendship and happiness I have. Maybe I should make a commercial. haha

Ok, im done preaching, take it for what its worth, or tell me to piss off, either way I hope you all remmebr we do this for fun and thats what it needs to stay , fun!!! See any of you making the trip at Tulare, party on.

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