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Final Valley National Preentry Update--info Thread

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Ok here is my last official update of our Preentries..

We are right at 125 after a good amount picked up at the track yesterday and the mail today.
I expect another 40-50 post at the track Friday and Saturday.

Just a few key reminders.
1. You can come in Thursday anytime we will NOT lock the gates. Just roll them shut behind you if you come in late.
1a. There is open practice at TCP from 2-9 on Thursday on our National Layout. You may need to let practice riders leave to park in your prefered location.
1b. Same Deal Friday Get in early as you like or as late if needed. Tara/Betty will catch who they can at the gate and put a dot on a mirror. If you come in after they are done dont worry they will find you.  ;D
2. Friday practice is from 9-2. We will break things up based on actual riders there. Beg/Nov  Int/Exp/Mast    Mini short sessions
3. We WILL have checkin from 4-7 Pm Friday. We will be set up next to the Masonry Building on the right. Raffle tickets are also sold there. You checkin will included an envelop with your meal tickets and a coupon to redeem if you bought raffle tickets on the pre entry form. You can turn in the coupon whenever you choose you are not obligated to do so at checkin.
4 We WILL have a short riders meeting at 7:15 followed by an OPEN timed practice for 15 Minutes. Then each class will get 4 laps. Lap times of back of the pack 45int(me) are in the 2:15 range. The longest track we have provided yet.
5. 5 Star Catering is again serving up the food. They will set up at appx 2:30 and serving at 3:30 or so.
The goal is to get the food going and then move right into the Raffle.
Rick is moving a set of lights over for us so we will be good but please dress warm.
Sunday is the same program. Danny Jones from Full Throttle Ministry will set up a service also. We will provide details over the PA.
Johny Dog will also be at the track both Days serving Breakfast and Lunch items.
Sunday will will pass out awards as soon as possible so you do not have to wait until the end of events.
Race order is ready to go. Dont worry like every race someone is first someone is last  :-*
I want to thank the team from the South ahead of time for scoring our race.
Also this is the last hurrah for Femur as Prez,Jason as Race Director and Myself one of the founding two members of the V Chapter.
Thanks for everything and good luck to Mike Tucker and his board on carrying the Chapter forward into the next season.
See you at the OATFIELD!!!
