You guys sure know how to make a grown man tear up. Linda you're an awesome friend. Thanks to all for the card of well wishes. This club is just amazing, it's really like one big family.
It's been nearly 6 weeks since my surgery where they bolted my hip back together. I'm getting around great on a cane, and can even walk without it, though not real well. I was so saddened not being able to race your National. Glen Helen is the best.
Anyway thanks again and I hope to see some of you all at the Valley National. I'll be working check in on Friday afternoon.
PS: Linda, the hot pink cursive on the envelope kinda got my heart rate up! 🙂
Brett glad to hear your on the mend. see you at Tulare.
Chuck 18G
Great news Brett. Thanks for the update. Wishing you the best and we will see you at Tulare. Marty
Just so everyone knows...I put this card away so i would not loose it after we all signed it....Well, I wrote Brett a note telling him how forgetful I am, not that we forgot him...
A mind is a terrible thing to lose!!!
Thanks Brett for the up-date....
I will write you more notes in pink to brighten your day, nothing wrong with your RACE AWAY!!!! 😀
Take care, I hope we get to see you at Tulare!!!!