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MRI this week..

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Joined: 8 years ago
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Well I find out this week if my shoulder is jacked up!  I am still working and cycling and running, I just can't do a chin up or a push up!!  Its hard to heal when working 60 hrs a week..  Can't wait to finish this job I am running. I cant wait to ride
a new Motocross bike,  not sure yet what color it will be....                                                                                                                             

Hope all is well in the club,,  Ride ON....

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2155

Well  once you get what ever is wrong fixed you Wil be on the road to recovery and back to racing good luck Shaun
Elvis 537g
Viva Las Vegas

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So my MRI  results came back today, the nurse called me and said your MRI came back abnormal and YOU need to set a date with your  Orthopedic DR  Bummer. I will wait  until winter if I do have to get surgery..  I still don't know what's wrong until the Orthopedic DR tells me....  I AM STILL WORKING as a foremen and running a 4 story building at the College at UCSB....  Not much pain at all, just when I put my seat belt on in my car and stuff like that...   

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Best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery shaun.


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Thanks Rich.  My old body has taken a beating, over the years....

Joined: 8 years ago
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Had my visit to  my orthopedic Dr and I have a tear in my rotator cuff and a tear in my bicep. I can get surgery or he said I can live with it, but swimming would be something I couldn't do anymore!!    Anyhow just wanted to give a report.  6_months would be my recovery time if I got surgery and would be out of work.. Other then that I can race Motocross still...
