A word of thanks fr...
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A word of thanks from the South Board

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Joined: 12 years ago
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Now that the dust has settled and things have returned back to normal (on behalf of the South Board,) I would like to say “Thank You!”  The attendance at the South National was outstanding.  Even with another Vet club going head to head with us and holding their “International” on the same weekend, we killed it! Truly proving we are the “Premier Vet MX Club”!

Thank you for making the trip to LACR to attend the South National.  As any board member will testify, Nationals are a lot of work.  However, with all that being said we look forward to an even better South National in 2017.  Thank you again for the tremendous support.  See everyone at Tulare.

2016 VP

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 3686

Sounds like "good times" had by all............congrats!
