Trans Am Vet Classi...
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Trans Am Vet Classic. June 26-28 at GH

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Since the race on June 28th has been cancelled, why not offer up 35 points to any member that supports the Trans Am Vet Classic?  Many OTHG members are already planning on racing the Trans Am anyways.  Holding a stand alone OTHG race on the 28th will result in a low turn out and would be in direct competition with this event.  Something that we should avoid.  The same should be considered for the OTMX International, as well as the World Vet.  Just something to consider.


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Since June 28th at D-T1 has been cancelled. And also Otmx cancelling Borona Oaks on the same date I think it is great to have some place for our members to race then. As for giving 35 points as far as I know we have never given out points for a Non Sanctioned Othg event and shouldn't start that. James says we can have a vendor booth there which is a great idea to promote South Chapter.

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To Rich's point; How many members do you foresee taking part in that event if you have an event scheduled for the same day? You have a " core" group of members that support the club approximately 40. there's another 20 who are hit and miss depending on track and or other factors. So how many "core" members would choose that event over a Gang sanctioned race is the main question. Promoting another race promoter by encouraging your members to race with them is bad business, period. Low turnouts are another subject altogether and I'm not addressing that here. The main objective of the club is to generate funds by holding events at locations that can draw your core and hopefully a few additional riders. You will achieve none of that by awarding 35 points to go race somewhere else. And the club has nothing to gain by doing so.

To Phil's point; The CORE will find somewhere to race or ride because that's what they do. As for a vendor booth your not selling Tee shirts your selling a racing club, the best way to accomplish that is, hold regular racing events that draw a larger " CORE" group of racers, week in and week out. Your best plan of attack is to reschedule a race at any venue you can quickly, and see that through. That's good business.

I hope this doesn't come off as offensive or combative. It is meant to be constructive.


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Very well said Chuck
Elvis 573R
Viva Las Vegas

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My reason for saying we should award points is simple.
1) Craig Davis has been a big supporter of OTHG. The TRANS AM is a stand alone, once a year race. We, as vet racers should support (Craig and) that race like we support the World Vet.
2) A club is about camaraderie as much as it is about racing. Make it an event that members want to attend. Camping and having fun.
3) The core of a club will only grow when the members on the board have the clubs best interest in mind. If not, a club will stagnate and members will leave to race with other clubs promoters.

I appreciate the input Chuck. See you at the track.

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As for a vendor booth your not selling Tee shirts your selling a racing club, the best way to accomplish that is, hold regular racing events that draw a larger " CORE" group of racers, week in and week out. Your best plan of attack is to reschedule a race at any venue you can quickly, and see that through. That's good business.


...and Elsinore is definitely available, and will definitely bring in some non members as well, because they won't have to drive half way to hell to ride in the devils sand box. I suggest their vet track.
