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Another Poll...South National

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I think the sooner we get our national under way the better...we've geared up for it. Rich has the venders,the people in place to do thier jobs to make it all work,temecula motorsports set up, people have paid and bought raffle tickets and we can more easily transfer the money and information to a closer National date.The other chapters have adjusted to the new July dates.
    Our president is working with the other chapters.
    Rich is getting information from the other chapters. Sure it's going to be hot but that's motocross. We do things outside. As long as nobody blows a gasket and everybody holds to their job positions it will go off as if it was March only hotter.
During this discussion Eric's right we have no idea what the state is going to do as time goes by we can only plan and positively discuss. Our best efforts might be changed from by the state. Let's say we safely secure July. The state or other problems arise. We may have to fall back to November.
    I think we should take the first opportunity, while it's there. I realize it's not perfect for everyone.
    The 18 members polled lean towards November and best for them but as we see on this thread that's a tough time with the other races happening around that time with Thanksgiving, Christmas, money, the banquet, being dark earlier, our next South national soon after.
  We happened to hit the 100 year flu-virus. 1918 and 2020.
  There is going to be many many adjustments, it won't be perfect, stay calm and adjust with the flow and be good to each other.
Thanks to all for your continued input and let's have some cold beer and conversations at the oasis.

So, tentatively this would be the national layout;

end of April Sierra national
end of May Reno national
end of July South national
beg of September Bay national
end of October Valley national.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 10

The Sierra chapter is against moving south national to November for the following reasons

1. The July date was chosen and made public once you change the date you need to stick to that date if you keep changing date members will loose interest

2. The Sierra and Bay chapters have already made changes to our local schedule to  accommodate  the published July date

3. To much going on in November that members  participate in
Nov 7,8 world vets
Nov 26 thanksgiving
Nov 27,28,29 day in the dirt

4 You are asking the othg membership as a whole to choose between once a year events,
ask to change there work plans and vacation time a second time, to give up family plans for the thanksgiving holiday, spend $$$ right before Christmas

5 We need to let this all play out and see what happens you have a date set and there is no need to change date again. Our membership in all 5 chapters should not be forced to chose between $,family and other events

Dave Mozingo
Sierra President

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 240

Based on the above information, this should happen in July. It should only be moved again for reasons beyond the club's control (continued "stay at home" restrictions).

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