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Another Poll...South National

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We all have learned to be flexible to what life has thrown at us these last two weeks.
Due to the unexpected closing of Glen Helen, there was an urgency to secure dates for our South National with minimizing the impact that it would have on the rest of the racing season. The weekend of July 24-26 was secured.
This last week the Board has had an opportunity to take a deep breath and make an assessment of the July dates. Many have raised concerns about racing in the summer heat. There are also concerns that none of us know the impact that the Covid-19 virus will have on our families financially.
With these concerns in mind, your Board took action. Alternative dates have also been secured the weekend of November 20-22.
These dates would make the South National the last National of the year, allow us to race in cooler temperatures and give all of us a little extra time to assess the real impact that the Covid-19 virus is having on our families.
There are two potential concerns; Vet Worlds and Day in the Dirt are also in November, for anyone that races those events. Those events could however work in our favor with the track layout! Please answer the poll on whether you would prefer the National to be July 24-26 or November 20-22.

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I personally don't mind either way. I bet I know what most will say though...

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There are a number of things to consider when changing dates.  July 24-26 was selected as that was a date that the main track at GH was available all three days.  GH has events going almost every weekend and finding a date that we could race the national track both days is damn near impossible at this time of the year.  Lori worked with us and actually canceled the OTMX race on Sunday on the main track so that the OTHG could hold the South National.

The Sierra and Bay chapters canceled a local race and replaced it with our national date.  While that may not seem like a big deal, it's a huge deal for them, as they work with promotors to host their races.  The promotor lost that date, which equals money out of his pocket.  The Sierra and Bay chapters explained their position to the promotor.  Their position is that they are going to support the South chapter and their national regardless of the time of year.

So now, the South board wants to change the date, and possibly change the venue?  have you given consideration to the other chapters?  Have you consulted GH to see if the track is even available?  I'm going to say that none of that was done!!!! Let me guess, Cal City is being mentioned as a possible alternate facility for the South National????

Think long and hard about what is being asked and all the repercussions that come along with a decision of this magnitude.  It will most likely screw GH, and most certainly screw the other 4 chapters.  I want no part of this!!!  I voted for July 24-26.


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So the July date was set the same day our National was cancelled. Nobody on the board got to discuss this date or given a couple days to recoup. To answer Rich. I have contacted all the chapters except Reno which I will do tomorrow. I'm asking them to bring this to there members to decide like we are doing here. Without checking with me he is wrong about me not contacting Lori about November 20-22. The dates are available and she's just waiting for me to confirm it. We are just being sensitive to this virus situation and also members needing to recover financially. And possibly July is to soon to assume they have recovered.

Thank You. Keep your families safe.

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The title of the poll is, “When would you prefer the South National to take place at Glen Helen Raceway?”
This is about our members having input during a time of uncertainty. We are simply asking the question of what works for our members. Our President is reaching out to the other Chapters President’s for their input as well. Nothing has been changed, but we are asking the members what works best for them.

In Solidarity,
Les Griffin 913g

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Has anyone on the current board given any thought to now having the last National of the year (a month before Christmas), and then turning around and putting on the first national of 2021?  And have you given any consideration as the the fact that the last races of the year always have the lowest turnouts?

How is a race after World Vet and before DITD better?  These are both events that a number of our members attend. Now you are asking them to select our event over these others?

Do you think if members are tight for money, they will spend money a month before Christmas to come and race the South National?

How do you address the chapters that end their season in November?

Or how about travel?  There are areas that get snow in November!  I5 and the Grapevine as well as Hwy 395 are few that come to mind!

Have these questions been addressed by the board?

So ask yourself, what is best for ALL the chapters of the OTHG, not just the South Chapter.

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Why are we having polls instead of meeting that are announced ahead of time to the members?

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Marion. We wanted as many members as possible to weigh in on this. Meetings usually only get 15-20 to show up. Rich. What part of we're letting the members decide are you having trouble with. Quit saying we're doing this for South Chapter only or any other negative comments your making without checking your facts.

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I don't think there were negative comments being made, just concerns about a poll that maybe shouldn't have been put up. I said maybe.. We all know there are serious issues to consider with date changes, Rich was just trying to bring those to the forefront. We as OTHG all chapters might not be racing at all this Year. We have no idea what the state has planned as the case confirmed keep rising rapidly. Lets all cool our jets right now and look out for our health and the health of our friends and families. 

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Our national is how we pay for at lot of things though the year if we move it to November it will be very bad financially we need to start thinking like a business more

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Not counting a couple of us have put a lot of work into this national for 2 just to come in and try to fix something that is not broken have we even thought about  vendor's or sponsors being available in November

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Thank You Eric. We did consider most of his concerns but ultimately this choice is being done by the whole Othg family not just South. All 5 chapters members are the ones who have to consider these concerns he posted. It would be totally uncaring of the South Board to not consider all the members issues during this time. If july is what they want fine if November fine.

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The poll is meant to get feedback from the members. Our President is in contact with the other four Presidents, and they are getting feedback from their members. This is meant to be a positive poll with regard to our members. In no way are we trying to say this is set in stone. It is an option.

Les Griffin 913g

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Posts: 183

November works for many reasons and clearly that is the way its turning out on the POLL ...

                                    Heat Strokes are more likely in July ....


Joined: 16 years ago
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I think it's positive to discus the South National openly. Keep in mind in late November, there is 2 hrs of less daylight as opposed to July.

My vote is to hold the July dates. If it's hot, start an hour early to beat the heat.

I'll make every effort to attend barring any other unforeseen conflicts. Heck, I remember racing Hollister back in '17 where the temps soured around 113°, we still raced. It sucked but we did it.

Agreed with most. November right before Thanksgiving may draw a light turnout as the long season comes to a close.


Mike 26b
2020 Bay Chapter Webmaster.

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