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The Sierra Chapter would like to thank the south members that made the trip up for our national

Dave Mozingo
2019 Sierra President

Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 842


I posted this on the Member's Only Forum. I believe those present feel the same....

What I liked about the Sierra National
« on: Today at 10:40:29 AM »

It's been years since I raced a National away from home. Here's some things worth noting:

Chapter Cohesiveness: Our Chapter unity was very strong at the race. We were there for each other on the line, in the pits working on bikes and suspension, during the races with pit boards and hand signals, and for overall advice and pep talks during the weekend. The Oasis was cheering South riders on with screams and punching balloons (you had to be there) at their corner, and the Flatlanders had our straight-away and the first straight after the start covered. It was great to see everyone supporting each other!

Club Cohesiveness: At least where we camped, there was a strong sense of unity among the Chapters. Members wandered from camp to camp and hung out. Our Friday night dinner was a multi-chapter event as it has been for years. Overall, the vibe was really good.

Lack of Injuries: Unless I'm mistaken, there was not a Medevac or Ambulance needed other than for standard insurance purposes to allow us to race.

Competition: Most races were pretty exciting to watch. A look at the lap times shows that most classes were very close in average lap times which kept things interesting and competitive.

Weather: Was Awesome!!!!! Enough said....

Track: Great condition and upkeep!!!! Again, enough said....

Other: The Sierra Chapter ran a tight program and a great schedule. Safety and flagging was promoted extremely well. The Vendors had some cool stuff. Paul Schoep was pretty funny and a great MC at the raffle - maybe one too many "Happy Beers" But that's when it's the best!  ;D The food was great!

Overall, it was just a great time. If you're on the fence about hitting one or all of the last three Nationals, I would highly suggest blocking out a few days on your calendar, burning some vacation days, and joining us. You won't regret it!!!!!

Good times, everyone! Good times......

See you all at Fernley!

Anyways, THANK YOU for an awesome event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lifetime Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1896

Well said racing and a great weekend...well done Sierra Chapter!
Can the R.D. move Bill Shultz to start with the 65 Novices gate so he can get his racing laps ridden and completed and so as not to be pulling over and watching during his race when gated with the 58 Intermediates and 52's at national races?

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 2155

:Dam good post Mike you nailed it
Elvis 573g
Viva Las Vegas
