Race weekend recap ...
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Race weekend recap Hollister National

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Well two big factors for the weekend were the weather and the new soil composition of the track. It was a barn burner with temps running 111 on Friday 114 Saturday 106 on Sunday. As for the track conditions the state of CA decided it would be a good idea to bring in a ton of sand to put down on the track and man did it change the track it was now a sand track.
Corky and his crew worked hard all weekend to give us an awesome track. Friday practice the track was busy with everyone trying to dial in their suspension for the new track conditions.

During the last novice practice Rich Hurtado went down hard and was taken to the hospital. In his own words just some broken bones and I will be back ASAP.

Friday night well everyone else was huddled up in their trailers with their a/c on hiding from the heat it didn’t stop the south chapter from having our traditional carne asada dinner.

Saturday there some great battles in the 52 Int. George Andrews, Brad Huffer and Brad Putman battled hard with Andrews on top. In the women’s A Natascha Shelton, Andrea Garcia and Charlene Spoor had a good battle with Garcia on top. In the 52 Nov. Jack Lavancil, Jim Stilwell, Steve Ulle and Steve Machado battle for the top spot with Lavancil on top.

Saturday night everyone gathered for the dinner and raffle under a half dozen EZ ups as the temp was still around 100 and the Bay Chapter put on a top notch Dinner and Raffle giving away 30k in prizes after the raffle some of the gang made their way up to the Oasis were Reid had the mister going and the cocktails flowing.

Sunday the battles for the top spot was on. About midday we had a flyby Eric Watt and Jeff Blix came right down the center of the track banked 90 degree’s about 100 feet above us thanks Eric that was cool to see.

At the end of day in the 52 Int. it was Andrews 1st Huffer 2nd and Putman 3rd .In the Women’s A it was Garcia 1st Spoor 2nd and Shelton 3rd. In the 52 Nov. it was Lavancil 1st Machado 2nd and Ulle 3rd.

I would like to thank the Bay Chapter for all their hard work putting on a great weekend of racing and Corky and his crew for their hard work day and night keep the track is top notch shape. Also thanks to everyone who help Rich out you all are what makes this club great.
Until next time keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down
Elvis 537g
Viva Las Vegas

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 3686

Cool Elvis......like I was there........minus the haybale!  ::)
