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Joined: 13 years ago
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Great Shaun.
I was at Fernley and what moto were you in when you fell on Sunday ?
I didn't know you were hurt ,because fall must have happened at a far point from view.
Glad your back and if you were fighting for the lead at a National .Might be in the right class or need some white backgrounds

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Keep writing..You may just hit the right nerve and all of a sudden everyone might jump in.People have their lives going on. they read .You gotta start somewhere.Look at Bill Shultzy ,He sends a zinger in there every once in a while.  Every body is different .The common thread is we all race MX .Play volleyball,softball,tennis ,golf,skii,hike and mountain and did I mention Triathlon.When's your next Triathlon ,Shaun?

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My Doctor gave me the green light to race LACR.  I  hurt my shoulder at the RENO nationals  when I reeled In First place and  was making  the pass for 1st, I  hit his rear wheel when he put on his brakes in a turn, AND I WENT DOWN HARD. No one in the club ever asked if I was ok, but that's ok.  Anyhow The OTHG south HAD A BIG issue with age classes on what class you race.  I think I am in the 38 Int class,  No one has told me what age class I race In......See you at LACR  I must say this is the best Motocross club ever. A  big thanks to James  Van Duinwyk & Richard Hurtado  making these last few years in the club the best ever.  And a big thanks to the beautiful lady's  in the booth and keeping score and signing us up and keeping us all in line..  Come out now and JOIN the South OTHG Club,,,,

  (Supporting the OTHG CLUB  since 1977)

Suzuki Rider 39 that's odd...  I could have sworn that Matt Tallman, Mikel Cimmino, I and a couple others all responded to a couple of your posts!  As a matter o fact, I said good luck with retirement.. when it's in the blood it's in the blood! Cimmino also wished you well in retirement and said that that if you ever wanted a club to ride with we're here!. Cumbo said to heal up and were here if you ever want to come back.  cumbo also yalked about Marc coming back after injury.

So kinda confused on the no one ever responds thing!

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Keep writing..You may just hit the right nerve and all of a sudden everyone might jump in.People have their lives going on. they read .You gotta start somewhere.Look at Bill Shultzy ,He send a zinger in there every once in a while.  Every body is different .The common thread is we all race MX .Play volleyball,softball,tennis ,golf,skii,hike and mountain and did I mention Triathlon.When's your next Triathlon ,Shaun?

Thank You Chris ,  My hat comes off to you , as I look up to you in this club,  a individual  in life, you are a warrior a master piece of who we all admire..  Keep riding hard and scaling  those mountains, making us all look bad showing up at a OTHG race on sunday after doing a GP on Saturday 200 miles away..    You rock Chris..  My next Triathlon will be in July!!!  See U at The LACR NATIONALS.....

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Well Shaun Thanks.. but, I think you're something above the normal human, for doing those triathlons. I've only done one of the Spartan races . I'm looking forward to do another Spartan race, if you're ever interested. Hard-to-find friends who like to do those . Anyone The last Spartan race I did was in Rawhide. Arizona . Interestingly I was talking to Kevin B.this weekend and he suggested doing a sprinter triathlon.

Sprint triathlons are short-distance triathlons, usually consisting of a 750-meter swim, 20k-bike ride and a 5k-run. This is half the distance of an Olympic triathlon and less than a quarter of the distance of the Iron man. Distances may vary slightly from event to event, but they typically adhere to the above standards. Because of their shorter distances, sprint triathlons have become increasingly popular and are ideal for beginner or novice athletes.

We do Something minor like a triathlon at my party every year. It's tennis- swimming and golf with BEER and a little something afterwards!

See you at the nationals Shaun and drop some words with information on the message board in the general discussion area about your upcoming, July triathlon.

Take care, heal up.
