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hit the ground hard enough to brake a tib/fib at Hollister. Im no doctor, but the x-ray I saw of his leg ( I've seen a few x-rays) looks like a spiral fracture of the tibia and a clean brake of the fibula. When I got over to him I just couldn't believe what a bad ass this guy is , calm cool and in good spirit. my prayers are with you brother!

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I watched them moving him from one meat wagon to another and he had a smile on his face. Tough as nails! 
That x-ray was ugly! Take care and heal up soon Arch!

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Heal up Arch.We do hope it's speedy and a full recovery.

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get better soon Arch -

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So yeah, he's pretty tough all issues when he was loaded up in the meat wagon. By now he had a rod inserted and will be able to leave maybe tomorrow or the day after from Hazel Hawkins hospital in Hollister. He's doing well with no complications. Keep him in your prayers!!!!!!!

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Shared a text with Arch today and he seems to be OK. Brent Allen from the Reno Chapter has volunteered to fly him home in his private plane, good dude!

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Shared a text with Arch today and he seems to be OK. Brent Allen from the Reno Chapter has volunteered to fly him home in his private plane, good dude!

I met Brent at Hangtown and we talked planes for hours, really nice guy!
Get well soon!

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Arch sorry to hear you got hurt  hope you heal up soon

Elvis 573g
Viva Las Vegas

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Thank's everyone!! I'm doing well and all put back together. Hard to believe it happened at the same place on the track that Little Archie broke his tib and fib last year. I even have the same doctor Archie had last year.

I'm hoping to be on the sideline for the 9-11 MemorialrRace, so see you then!!


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Holy Smokes! Sorry to hear about the injury Arch. But glad to see everything went ok on the surgery!

Best of luck on the recovery.  🙂

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Heal well my new friend. It was nice to meet you and so many others from the south chapter. I will see you at LACR hopefully in good spirits.

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Wow, that sucks. Sorry to read that you had a bad get off. I hope you heal up fast.

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Heal Fast Arch. Call if there is anything I can help with during your recovery.

Joined: 16 years ago
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Get well soon Arch! We'll be missing you on the Gate, but there is still bench racing!
