Going to Glen Helen...
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Going to Glen Helen today - Practice ?

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I should be there by 2 pm - 3pm with Ray 403G.

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I should be there by 2 pm - 3pm with Ray 403G.

how was it, we rode milestone in the morning.  it was good.

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"how was it, we rode milestone in the morning.  it was good."
  The track was pretty rough. There were bikes and quads and cars because there's racing coming up today and tomorrow at the main track of Glen Helen. After five laps of practice 403G sat in his chair and said " I'm tired". Just to give you an example of how rough it was. We went out for two more sessions and the more we rode the more fun the track became.We started to know what to look out for so you didn't take a soil sample. We met Ryan Honstein who was Supercross champion 1992 and 1996 or some thing like that and he's willing to teach us. So it looks like next week we are going back to the class room. He gave us a few hints by watching us ride and darned if they didn't work right away. Anyone can join in 3 PM next Thursday at Glen Helen.

Transworld Motocross Race Series Profile: Ryan Honstein

January 15, 2015 By Steve Emter


Ryan Honstein, 26
Temecula, CA
Sponsors:  Big O Tires, Grom World, Airbedz, Oakley, Arma Energy, Bell Helmets, Alias

Ryan Honstein parted the Glen Helen waters at the second round of the El Dorado Nationals at Glen Helen.  The steady downpour throughout the day left deep puddles throughout the track, but Honstein kept pushing through the conditions and kept his bike on two wheels to take the checkered flag.  We caught up with Honstein after his race as he was cleaning the Glen Helen mud from his face.


What brings you out to the El Dorado National round at Glen Helen?
Pure passion for the sport!  Passion over price any day!  I just want to set an example that passion still exists on the gnarliest of days.  This is the gnarliest track in Southern California and for it to rain and give us these conditions for us die hards to race instead of loading up and leaving.  This shows who stands out in this sport.
What is it about motocross over other sports that brings out that passion?
I just feel like in team sports it takes several people and several personalities, it takes a unity to create success.  It takes everybody instead of just one person that takes the initiative.  This is my own hunger, it is my own willpower and for me to witness other people’s willpower and to be inspired by that or to inspire others.  My drive is to further my passion, I believe this is my destiny to be out here racing, no matter what the circumstances.


How did you get started racing motocross?
I grew up riding BMX, rode go-peds, go-karts and anything that moved that had wheels.  I was just that engineer slash adrenaline junkie.  Actually, maybe not junkie because I had a cautious side of me as well.  But that immediate rush that you get changes your point of perspective from reality to passion.

What do you do during the week when you aren’t racing?
I start out on Monday, do my work out, then I try to eat healthy and put good food in my body to run good.  If you put bad gas in your bike it is going to run bad, so it is the same with your body.  Tuesday I’m out at Perris quite a bit, I have mini night out there helping those kids out.  I have a corner track built up, jump for show corner for dough, so I teach them to corner, corner, corner. I do that with everyone no matter if they are a 50cc rider or a 250 Pro.

So the business is a riding school?
That’s what puts food on my table!  It is called Fine Tune Training MX, and I have a schedule throughout the week that is structured just for racing.  Monday they have time to get their ducks in a row for the week, Tuesday they are ready to work on corners and train, Wednesday and Thursday they train, then Friday they have some rest time and get ready for the weekend and racing.  Everything they learn during the week they can apply on race day.

Are you coaching any of the kids for the amateur nationals?
Oh yeah, if I get hired to go to the amateur nationals I will go there.  If I have a good group of my kids I will take my own budget to go out there.  On a day like today I can bring out my riders to the Transworld race and they help me out with my racing.

What other hobbies do you have outside of motocross?
I enjoy surfing, snowboarding and I grew up skateboarding.  Any kind of extreme sport I enjoy doing it.  Just happens that motocross was on top of the podium and is my first choice.
