Mechanic Monday, Ti...
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Mechanic Monday, Tip of the week...Attraction

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Mechanic Monday.... Tip of the week
An ounce of prevention.
I hear over and over again my car's engine doesn't have a magnetic drain plug so why should I have one for my bike. Your right your cars engine doesn't have one, but your cars transmission usually has a big magnet to collect ferrous metal debris. The pics below are from a bike that came through my shop a while back. A single small ball bearing got loose and as the transmission tried to pass it through the teeth of this gear the gear broke apart. While there isn't a guarantee that a rare earth magnetic drain plug would have caught it but It is reasonable to think it would have.  Have a look at this video to see one in action.

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The law of attraction works universally on every plane of action, and we attract whatever we desire or expect. If we desire one thing and expect another, we become like houses divided against themselves, which are quickly brought to desolation. Determine resolutely to expect only what you desire, then you will attract only what you wish for.
