Mechanic Monday, Bu...
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Mechanic Monday, Busy as a bee.

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Busy as a bee.
One thing most of us have in common is the busy pace we keep. Finding time to take care of your bike is usually a struggle. But what if instead of the night before a race trying to get caught up we could reduce the last minute scramble.
Here are 3 tips to reduce the last minute bike prep work load. I would hope to see several more ideas in the comments.
The first tip is to break down the tasks your bike needs for maintenance and spread them over a 30 ride or 40 engine hour usage by doing a little bit on some weeks and a bit more on other weeks. This is how the airlines keep their aircraft ready to go. They don't do all their maintenance at one time they spread it out. If there is interest I will post a suggested schedule later.

The second tip is one of the most disliked chores. Air filter cleaning. If you have several air filters you can wash and oil them all together and only have to do that chore every month or so. I may take it to extremes as I have 12 air filters, but it sure is nice only cleaning them once a month or longer.

The third tip is to clean your bike at the track before you leave or on the way home. I hope to see more time saving tips in the comments below.  Stay greasy my friends.

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Is that the Bee girl from the Blind Melon video? Lol
