You guys all got your new issue this week correct? 8)
You guys all got your new issue this week correct? 8)
Thanks for the reminder J.P, I totally dropped the ball on signing up, all done now!
Current issue:
didn't the holesot winners of south national get a subscription ? I got two holeshots that race.
Thanks again Rich for the photo shot that's going around the world! Dreams do come true!
MXA promoting the OTHG race on their site today:
Great guys all of them and a great magazine.
MXA is promoting the OTHG 9-11 race on their site.
You are doing the club a disservice if you do not subscribe........and you get a $25 RMATV gift card so they pay you to subscribe.
And for those that do not read well........there are many pictures. ;D
For those that thought making $5 to subscribe now there is a better can make almost $25 just for subscribing to magazines that support the club! And you are already using the RMATV gift cards. 8)
link =
Sweet thanks JP
Elvis 537g
Viva Las Vegas
They sure do like 2 strokes over at MXA!
They sure do like 2 strokes over at MXA!
Who doesn't? 😉
Jody and crew were kind emough to incluled the May 7 Military Appreciation Race on their site. Make sure you keep your subscription up to date.