The Milestone Exper...
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The Milestone Experience

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    Just saying! I thought Rich (if that was him) did an awesome job announcing. I thought the Board and the Girls were fantastic. I personally brought in several new members for the milestone race and they all had the best time ever racing.  As I have said before what sets us apart from everyone else is twenty min MOTOS for experts and so on. No one else matches one hour of seat time with practice and racing and after, your exhausted, well at least I was and I felt I got my moneys worth. Awesome day all around.

    I think race four first Moto was just fine and did not think the change was warranted.  8) In my opinion (I know no one cares) lets keep the track full racing long and fewer different races so we can get done as soon as we can. we have 40 man gates so 40 guys on the track with similar skills should be no problem. I say fill the gates with similar skill levels until your over twenty riders then go to a second gate.

    What makes a race fun is big gates and lots of personal battle's going on throughout the race, no body wants to ride around by themselves.

                          Anyway just saying

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I prefer small gates because I like to minimize racing (being unintentionally blocked by, or unintentionally blocking) those riders who aren't in my class (52 intermediate).  Just saying, Dave.  On a positive note, your photo looks marvelous on the Summer Series trophies.

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  Awe thanks buddy 8)

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    Just saying! I thought Rich (if that was him) did an awesome job announcing. I thought the Board and the Girls were fantastic. I personally brought in several new members for the milestone race and they all had the best time ever racing.  As I have said before what sets us apart from everyone else is twenty min MOTOS for experts and so on. No one else matches one hour of seat time with practice and racing and after, your exhausted, well at least I was and I felt I got my moneys worth. Awesome day all around.

    I think race four first Moto was just fine and did not think the change was warranted.  8) In my opinion (I know no one cares) lets keep the track full racing long and fewer different races so we can get done as soon as we can. we have 40 man gates so 40 guys on the track with similar skills should be no problem. I say fill the gates with similar skill levels until your over twenty riders then go to a second gate.

    What makes a race fun is big gates and lots of personal battle's going on throughout the race, no body wants to ride around by themselves.


I agree with most of this with the exception of ; I was glad when they split up the Moto 4a and 4b.
One of the best racing days of the year on a fun and challenging track.
I haven't ate that much dust since Desert MC's desert race.
Too busy on the track and hard for the announcer to follow.

Yes, Photo is absolutely marvelous.

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I found the track fun and CHALLENGING and want to thank all at the finish line for helping me out when needing it most.
Only slightly sore today which is a blessing thought I would not be able to get out of bed after shorting the triple that hard.
And always a huge  thank you to all scoring and organizers.
Thanks to all Emil Opffer 524G

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Glad your OK Emil.
I was out there Thursday and didn't do that jump and thought about it for 2 days.

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It was a great weekend with great people, and in regards to the packed gates all I can say is the more riders on the track at one time increases the odds of someone going down. Experts and masters should always have there own gate!
And in all honesty, you show up in a car and leave 10 min after racing. For me personally it is not worth camping and all the work that some of us people with RV's do to leave by noon. But if this is what the club wants and voted on then good luck.

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Emil glad your ok, you were riding good up to the point of shorting the triple. Thanks to all the board members, fun track, fun day.
Chris 271g

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It was a great time in deed and riding 20min motos is fun. thanks Kon for splitting moto 4 in two for the reason of master/expert coming up on me screaming GET THE F  K OUT OF MY WAY! when I was trying to make a pass on a fellow class rider and had to move over then lost time and couldn't pass! so I think all intermediates should have there own gate/moto. that's just my 2 cents. Awesome time great turn out for the club and cant wait for Paris! 3g

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Mike makes a great point. And when I first got moved to expert and I was faster I had the same problem getting passed because I was trying to pass another class. But all and all it was good to see everyone and look forward to Perris.

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I think racing with one class higher on almost any track is a good way to learn how to go faster.
But two classes higher? Two sketchy!
No announcer could of kept up with that many riders at one time. It was a maelstrom [look it up, I did] out there. Good call Kon.

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I like the fact that we're debating "packed gates".  Nothing wrong with having too many riders.....

And although I do like sharing the gate with the experts - it gives you something to shoot for! - Kon splitting the two based on the dust and such was a decision based on safety. The first few corners had limited visibility in moto 1.  Thanks for looking out for the good of the members Kon!

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With a whopping 16 motos of experience I'll toss in two cents
if you are fast in the second gate the traffic gets confusing late in the moto as I dont always leave as well as I did at milestone (As I get to know the people in my class this is less of a problem for me)
Less traffic is always going to be safer
Faster riders do make for a learning experience but,I dont want to be landed upon or land upon the other guy on a blind double
The race director has made great calls at all eight events I have attended  but I think Intermediates and experts should be separated when possible (2 or 3 second a lap difference?)
Emil Opffer 524G
