Hey guys/gals this Moto is minus the 46 seconds of mutha fo fies, f bombs, and son de beeeeeachies ...Yeah I stalled leading the race. Anyhow check it out.
Hey Wes cursing is a part of racing. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Wes, you were looking good I see black plates soon!
Mike Cosaert 929g
Thanks Mike...the track was fun.....And you Sir had a great battle with Blake...Excellent racing both of you. I see White plates for both of you 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
and i see black ones for you ;D ;D ;D ;D
Dude! Nice ride! Glad I wasn't racing you! Cool to see your lap times getting faster as the day went along and catching of few of the triples too ! Kinda looked like you wanted to ride until the sun went down! Good job! ;D