And it was even Hotttttttteeeeeer the second Moto 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
Nice ride Wes. I had nothing for you with all the jumps but it looks like Gene Foster made you work a little the first couple laps of both moto's. We will see what I have for you at Glen Helen. Trying to shed the 5 pounds I put on this week on a business trip at work.
;D ;D ;D Thanks Mike...I still have that Coors on Ice for you. Are you going to the Nationals? If so have a good trip...I have to work. Anyhow see you at Glen Helen. Yeah Gene did make me work, he shot off the gate like a canon and had some good lines. Gene if you are listening...great ride.
Anyhow guys see you at the picnic if not see you soon. ;D ;D ;D ;D