This seems to be different than the poll dated: October 31,2011
How should points be paid on the Non South Nationals?
14 (42.4%)Current Class minimums (South members only and on Overall)
7 (21.2%)Flat Rate of 35 points
1 (3%)Flat Rate of 30 points
2 (6.1%)Flat Rate of 30 points
9 (27.3%)Flat Rate of 25 points
Total Members Voted: 32
Voting closed: October 31, 2011, 08:30:02 PM
1) So... How did 9 votes beat 14 who voted to leave it alone?
2) Why is this even on the ballot???
The way that this motion was submitted is the way you see it on the ballot. As to the other information you quote I am not sure.
Flat rate was more of a 2A, 2B or 2C.
Flat rate had the most votes and 25 was the top vote for the flat rate option.
Very simple really.
And there is a whole thread specific to this motion and for questions.,4231.0.html