2011 Valley Nationa...
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2011 Valley National

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I wanted to thank everyone who attended the 2011 Valley National. We had an interesting start to our week-end with a mild drenching (isn't that an oxymoron) Friday night which caused us to make some unusual decisions and cancel one of our motos on Saturday. I know some may have felt cheated, but given the volume of water dumped on us, I know it was the right and most safe decision to make. I knew that Rick would make it work... and did he make it work! To use his words...Epic Track! I saw a lot of very close and competitive racing on a track that pretty much averaged about 2 minutes a lap AND the injuries were minimal. Unfortunately, we had to use the ambulance once (get well Paul), but thankfully other injuries were curtailed and we can go to work on Monday! Thank you TCP for doing such a great job!

I think everyone enjoyed the raffle (except the guy on the mike would not stop talking... he has been dismissed!) and I KNOW you all enjoyed the food! Can you say asparagus?

Thank you to all the members from other chapters for attending and making the final 2011 national a huge success. Without ALL of the OTHG family coming together, none of these work.

I hope everyone had FUN and we will look forward to seeing you in 2012!!!

Valley President 2011

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 992

Femur, Thanks for having us. I think for the amount of rain that we got on Friday you guys did an amazing job. The track was great both days. I always look forward to Tulare or as my wife would say Polare LOL. Thanks for putting on a great National as always. 😉

Mike Cosaert 929g

Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 147

I bet she said Poo-Lare.
But I love those EPIC Rick Hollenbeck race tracks.

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 523

Had my doubts listening to the rain all Friday night but you guys pulled it off with gusto........had a great time way to go Central Valley.

Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 326

Had a blast!!!!  Fun track, the best I can remember over my short years racing there; my first race ever was the support class in 2007, have ridden every national since!
Thanks again to everyone in the Valley Chapter for hosting this event! 
Special thanks to all those who showed their special support in getting me out of the way of the second gate; get out of the mud pit...no thanks to the guy who put me there!! 😛  But to Chris, for leaving her boots behind her in the mud as she helped me get un stuck! :o, and Brett...I saw you coming up that hill, I saw you throw you cane...WOW!  You can move pretty fast!  Thank you for you help and good cheers!!! :-*

I so LOVE the GANG!  See ya at Glen Helen!

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1287

hey linda looks like u rode well...your lap time were good!

