November meeting
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November meeting

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I just watched the webcast from the meeting.  I emailed Jeff to let him know things looked like they went real well and that it looked like another stand up board coming in.  I also asked him if I could post on it without being taken the wrong way ;D  I personally look forward to meeting the new board members in Tulare and am excited to get some fresh ideas and maybe share some too.  2012 is going to be an exciting year for the OTHG and I could sense some good energy in your meeting.  There was a member that mentioned that someone "up north" just kind of does what he wants and things seem to go ok.  Guilty as charged.  Haha, but thats not really the whole story.  I have a board that I bounce everything off of, if they dont agree we have a vote.  If its a major issue (fine line) it goes to the meeting and a vote.  But mostly things get done and get done quickly because the members know my only agenda is making the club exactly what the bylaws say " a club that is commonly bonded by an interest in motorcycle activities".  You guys have your own personalities down there and will do it the way it suits you best.  Just know that we are ready to work with you in anyway to promote the OTHG.  I know you dont have to many 60's down there yet, but thats kind of the way the 52's started.  Were not getting any younger 😀  Thank you to the outgoing board, Pete, Jeff, Jim, John it was a pleasure meeting you and getting beat by you (sort of).  So heres to the best vet club in the word! CHEERS!!! 56b

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Thanks Chris, yep sometimes threads go sideways in a hurry.

The forum can be a great tool for the club and I would hate to see it go away, though I'm not for posters being censored for stating an opinion.

It can be a "Gordian Knot" at times.  :-

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Haha I hear ya Jjim.  I think we have pulled the plug on it a couple times this year just to let things calm down.  Im getting bumped to expert after Tulare, I guess since you beat me that mean... 😀

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I will 2nd what Chris said, "One Guy up North" doesnt run the club. Im the VP and will say sometimes Chris and I dont see eye to eye. Different ideas and views and thats good. Still in the end decisons are based on club input and club/Board member votes. Honestly it runs very smoothe. We have tried to pattern ourself of the Parent CHapter and the success you guys have had. We may make a minor tweak to local races but overall we run with what the OTHG bylaws say. So one guiy might make a decison to buy a new generaotr or purchase some transponders for the club, but still its never without consent of club. One guy may put together a scheudle for races but not without input from club.

Otherwise its always meetings just like you all had, like our own last tuesday were we had a vote on points matrix and minimum number of riders for full gate points, DNF rule etc. We had probably 25 people at meeting and voting. We are lucky to also have ex board members at most meetings that know how things were 5 or even 10 years ago and they help give input on why things are the way they are or how they tried something and why ot doesnt work. Its good to have that knowledge at our meetings.

So , I ve also seen some posts about how the North has one guy making dsecisons and I usually overlook it, but since it was brought up at meeting, I hope this helps you guys understand. Its funny though, whn you have a good leader like Chris, majority of emails and forum talk and meetings, most members just say" well, if you think its best" and we run with it. People trust Chris that much.

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I will 2nd what Chris said, "One Guy up North" doesnt run the club. Im the VP and will say sometimes Chris and I dont see eye to eye. Different ideas and views and thats good. Still in the end decisons are based on club input and club/Board member votes. Honestly it runs very smoothe. We have tried to pattern ourself of the Parent CHapter and the success you guys have had. We may make a minor tweak to local races but overall we run with what the OTHG bylaws say. So one guiy might make a decison to buy a new generaotr or purchase some transponders for the club, but still its never without consent of club. One guy may put together a scheudle for races but not without input from club.

Otherwise its always meetings just like you all had, like our own last tuesday were we had a vote on points matrix and minimum number of riders for full gate points, DNF rule etc. We had probably 25 people at meeting and voting. We are lucky to also have ex board members at most meetings that know how things were 5 or even 10 years ago and they help give input on why things are the way they are or how they tried something and why ot doesnt work. Its good to have that knowledge at our meetings.

So , I ve also seen some posts about how the North has one guy making dsecisons and I usually overlook it, but since it was brought up at meeting, I hope this helps you guys understand. Its funny though, whn you have a good leader like Chris, majority of emails and forum talk and meetings, most members just say" well, if you think its best" and we run with it. People trust Chris that much.

Nobody said one guy up north.  He was referring to another guy from a different club.

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My fault then Eric, I assumed they meant the Bay, also when Ive read other posts referring the to North chapters. I figured it was Chris because he is the most vocal on the  At any rate i know our Club as well as your and even Sierra who we work closely with try to do whats best. By no means a dictatorship, but sometimes executive decisons need to be made by the board or boards.

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I concur..

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Haha I hear ya Jjim.  I think we have pulled the plug on it a couple times this year just to let things calm down.  Im getting bumped to expert after Tulare, I guess since you beat me that mean... 😀

Hey........ all I know is those two "sandbagging" Bay Area guys went 1st and 2nd overall and I did not even trophy.  :-X

Maybe you know those two dudes...........a Duane something and a Chris something?  🙂
