Hey Wes,
I replied to your message, not sure if it went through.
I will catch up with you Sunday at Comp Edge.
See you then,
Okay Mike see you then.
Thanks for the Info Mike...See you at Glen Helen
I saw them transferring cases of krispy kreem donuts on sunday 😛
Okay after re-reading our conversation...The subject truly has not been defined.....We we where talking about DNA Xtreme Rims....Sorry we didnt include everyone. Especially you Ray......We know how important it is for you to be in every thread, in every forum, in every city, in every country, WORLDWIDE.... 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
Come on Ray....I'm having fun....Instigator!!!! :-* :-* :-* Thanks for the DNA info
i got some bananas to throw at ray and there good for him too.. potassium yahoo
;D ;D ( ( ( ( they just don't fly that well
Good save Wes, DNA wheels that was good.
Donut secret fuel food. (Don't let on its Dunkin' Donuts)