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Comp Edge

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Great day at the Edge, well for me it was. As the last two times there hasn't been very good for me (Flat tire 1st race, broken pressure plate 2nd time there) 2-2 for the day  ;D plus its always a pleasure to start with the 52 group. Markus broke out the 125 today, wish I can rail a turn like he can on that thing ;D The Arm is killing me, but now I know why, but I am trying to squeeze in the next two races before going under the knife. Good to meet Evil Jester our newest member, you rode well for your first  race.

So how was your day?

Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 147

2 motos with the Gang.
2 motos with the Old Farts.
I am soooooooo knackered.
But hey, it beats the heck out of mowing the grass and washing the car.

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 705

Thanks to all for making yesterday a great race day. It's good to get both clubs together.

It's good for Comp Edge as well, love that place.......

Once again thanks to the  board, the scorers, and everyone.

Ben P.

Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 449

I had a great weekend. Rode the ole 2 smoker for the first time in about a year and a half. Wow, I completely forgot how to ride that thing. Had a blast but confirmed that I am most definitely a 4 stroke guy.
The Oasis bit me a little Sat night, Karen and Jeff held me down while Elaine poured Goldschlager down my throat. 😮 ;D Was hangin a little low Sun morning and wasn't looking forward to 4 motos but managed to do all right. Thanks to all that make it happen!  Marty

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1219

it was a awesome day weather was great the people great as usual and the track i think was better than two weeks ago..

just a great atmosphere. had a great moto one but moto two didn't start off so great great but i guess thats racing for you..


Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 439

Good racing yesterday for sure. Track was a blast.

Sorry i missed moto two with the Gang though. had a little issue with my chain but it is all good.

Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 39

Had a great time.  8)

Met a lot of the names I've seen on these forums.  Linda & Cherie took good care of me & pointed me in the right direction.

1st Moto:  Started at the caboose, because I didn't want to hold anyone back.  Ended up passing a couple people by the end.
2nd Moto:  Couldn't understand why we were still racing after 4 laps.    😮  I think I was a lot slower in the second one - I was thinking too much: trying to work on my form a little more, instead of just riding by instinct.  I guess my brain is slower than my body.  😛

BTW - Great burger from the little kitchen set up in the upper lot.  😀

Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 169

Had a great battles with Ron and Kevin...those guys are on the gas!  Stold Mr. Blix start techniques, and now getting good starts...jeez what a difference a good start makes!
Great to see some new G's out there.  Jay it was good to meet you...keep with it, you're just going through the progression.  And watch out for Cherie and Linda...they'll keep you in line as well (I know this from experience)!!! ;D  Eric is was good to see you out there for your second eval did awesome.
But what I really want to say is...HOW ABOUT CHERIE "FIRST PLACE" HOLLANDS, and LINDA "HOLESHOT" THOMAS!!!!  Those are our Girls!!  Right on ladies  way to put it down!! ;D

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 695

Another perfect day a Comp Edge.  The track was perfect and the racing was again the best.  Novice class thanks again for having me and as you will see in this PIC membership in the Novice class is not free...This boulder knocked me silly for a bit!!!! LOL 

Anyhow great racing with you Reid, and Ben.  Nice holeshot Reid (Two Holeshots that is)  Thanks Steve (Shock Therapy) I left the setting the way they where and it was great....Shock TherapyShock TherapyShock TherapyShock Therapy.  Jim great hanging with you and your family...Like that Yamaha.  Bruce .... Yeeee Ha Pilgram...Where's the Hay...Pete and Dan always a pleasure and Linda ....You are a Goddess.

Thanks again to the Board, Volunteers  and the Ladies that make this happen race in and race out. 

😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 439

jumping the step down in the middle of the track....
