don't thank me, thank Chris Rice
Nice shots Chris thanks 😀 😉 8)
Elvis 14g
Viva Las Vegas
Wow Chris you're really getting the action shot thing down....... i guess that part time gig as a justin bieber paparazzi is really paying off.
chris i think we have found you a new job.... great job
GREAT shots Chris !!!!! Now we have our proof for the fire pit stories, Ha!!! 8) 😛
Fantastic shots Chris! No need to train hard for Milestone, its nice and flat ;D
Wow Chris you're really getting the action shot thing down....... i guess that part time gig as a justin bieber paparazzi is really paying off.
Yup Yup I have the Bieber Fever and That kids moves/ 😛
Thanks all I am having some fun doing it. And it puts me on the track and thats where I really want to be.
Thanks Jeff for the use of the camera
Good job Jeff ;D
Bruce # 3 G