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Indian Dunes

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thanks Chuck for to see the old first stompin grounds again..I think I might even be in that shadow glen video... looked like my class and i was #39a on yam

MArk 43g

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Yeah, seems like a million years ago. You watch it and it's yeah I remenber that turn. On the shadow glen one, when they show the jump, off camera to the left, is the right hand turn. I saw a guy walking the track in full gear, helmet and all. I made the right turn launched the jump and his bike was laying right in the middle of the track. Landed right on it  😮 he never quite explained why he was back in the turn, all he could say was "you broke my bars off" I had drilled the skid plate into the exaust, which in turn broke the oil pump cover on my TT 500. It's laying on the left side of the track  pouring out oil. I'm sprawled out on the right side of the track. Little did I know that thirty years later I'd still be on a big four stroke still racing, that's just how fourtunate I am. I could go on for ever but I'll leave it at that.

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They still owe me $20!!!!!  me and a few freinds where flagmen at the 1st grand prix race in 71 or 72 and never got paid. Oh well got to see the race,kept the flag and got a crappy cold burger. Looking back it was a great day, we were kind of pissed off then  ;D ;D ;D
