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Poll results

6 Posts
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Question: Should we re-address the full colored background rule?   (Voting closed: Today at 08:55:47 PM)

Yes, the full color backgrounds do not work - 19 (33.3%)
No, leave it the way it is,  FULL color backgrounds - 38 (66.7%)
Total Voters: 57

Question: Should the OTHG re evaluate the age divisions in the club?  (Voting closed: Today at 08:56:15 PM)

Yes, go to three, we have too many classes. (ie. 30, 40, 50) - 19 (37.3%)
No, the four age division are fine. (30, 38, 45, 52) - 32 (62.7%)
Total Voters: 51

Question: Should we discuss going back to the "Eval" Red Tank rule?

Yes, the Red Tanks were much better - 31 (63.3%)
No, the red "Eval" stickers work just fine. - 18 (36.7%)
Total Voters: 49

Question: What color style would you like to see the OTHG National "Mark Martin" shirt made in?  

Tie-Dye - "Just give peace a chance" - 12 (28.6%)
White - " I'm Mr. Conservative" - 10 (23.8%)
Grey - "I'm not Mr. Conservative, but I'm not a Rebel" - 10 (23.8%)
Black - "I'm a Rebel" - 8 (19%)
Camo - "I'm Rambo" - 2 (4.8%)
Total Voters: 42

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 314

In those immortal words of Yul Brynner of the 10 commandments:

So it was voted!
So shall it be written!
So shall it be done !!!!!!

Next poll question: do polls make that big of a difference?


Make sure you vote for next years Board...!!!!  Darn spell check

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1915

The Poll was a good way to have everyone chime in on the topic. While not an official vote, it give us some reference as to what most are thinking on the basic subject.

I have to say.....I'm a tad disappointed in the total amount of votes.  :-[

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1666

I have to say.....I'm a tad disappointed in the total amount of votes.  :-[

It's all good JP.  The voting percentages are probably not all that different than what we get on actual ballots.  Some people are just not into it or are just not into computers.  You would think that a good majority of the registered message board users would participate in the polls because they're so easy to do...but the problem is that half of the users never login to begin with.  There's not much you can do to get better numbers on the polls if the users don't show up to read them.  Even still, I think the polls provided useful information on what some of the more active members think.


Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 1915

JH - I sent an email to all registered forum members and with 30 days or so to have it up there to vote on I was hoping for over 100 total votes.  8)

It's just as easy and better to have informed votes at the meeting. We try to get more members to participate but, as you can see........

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batting 500.  2 of 4... 😛
