Jeff Blix was scheduled to have his hip surgery today, so as soon as we find out something we will post.
I do have to tell the story Jeff told me on Sunday.
So on Saturday night he rubs his raffle tickets for good luck and "zazam" he won the bike in the raffle. On Sunday he has the Lucky winning ticket taped to his hat as he come up to help me announce. I go back up to the tower to give him a break form announcing after my moto, he leaves to get someting to eat and drink.
After about 10 minutes he comes back into the tower and says "Jim, is my lucky winning in here, it fell off my hat."
I tell him, "don't worry about it JB we all know you won the bike at the raffle." He tells me "no, not for that, I want to wear it in my hip surgery on Tuesday ."
He went downstairs and found it a few minutes later........
When he walked out of his motor home sunday morning it was stuck to his forhead! good luck
Good Luck Jeff. I hear you have" The DOC" Pastranas doctor.
So,you'll be doing back flips over the fire pit in Turlock at the OASIS come next year!
Hang in there!
I talked with Gus last night and she said everything went well and Jeff's doing ok just in some pain form the surgery
i will post an up date when i talk to her again
Steve 47 g
Viva Las Vegas
Get well pal.....See you soon.
Hey Buddy -
Thanks for helping dial in my suspension - hope your surgery goes off without a hitch!
All the best Jeff get well soon.......................can't wait to see you slicing and dicing again .
Best wishes to the entire Blix family see you soon 8)
Chuck & Nancy
I talked with Gus last night and she said everything went well and Jeff's doing ok just in some pain form the surgery
i will post an up date when i talk to her againSteve 47 g
Viva Las Vegas
Thanks VLV........keep us posted.
we hope it all went well....... we hope too see ya soon... stay strong...
larz and tilly
Hey Jeff
Call if you need anything! Us 805ers need to stick together ;D
Jeff, Get well soon.
Ditto: Call me if you need anything, I'm 15 minutes away.
Bob G
Update i just spoke with the shoe and he said He's home Jeff got up today and drove him self home stooped to pick up a dvd and a 12 pac says he feel good walking with a cane
Steve 47g
Viva Las Vegas
Get well form the valley boys,beer and vicadan will keep him down and "comfortable" for a while,get well Blixxy and next time I c you you won't be hobbling around