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Non South National Points Motion Poll

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You forgot the "Leave it the way it is" on that list..

Apparently that not a choice for us Eric.  >:(

Try reading this again.....

This is not a thread on the merits of paying or not paying points. This determines what value of points the motion will have. Of course it is contingent on the motion passing, if the motion does not pass, the current rule stays in effect.

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Hey it's 6:19 A.M. I've been up for 23 hours  😮 worked the last ten of those ::) but now that you made the type BOLD I get it.  8) But as I'm not alone in the "clueless" dept. I'll just go with the "TOO MANY CHOICES IS CONFUSING" I think the folks unhappy with the way we did it this year, want it to be changed back to the way it was.

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Hey it's 6:19 A.M. I've been up for 23 hours  😮 worked the last ten of those ::)

Slave Drivers!  😀

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Public servant #1  ;D Working in the Cahuenga pass just down the street from Universal studios, cops show up every night. Last night some hammered dude on a bicycle  😮 They show and say "Sean you gotta move on ok?" I'm trying to wink out a lunch hour guy won't leave. But tells me how they really could have jacked his night, and they only mess with us white dudes. Finally 45 minutes later, two cars show up and he takes off :-[ Sorta like mayberry. Takin care of the town drunk. 8)

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Ends on the 31st only 26 votes so far.......hell we can get that many at the meeting and it's less work and less grief for the drama queens.  😮

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ahhhh you got to let the drama Queens there space......

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Ends on the 31st only 26 votes so far.......hell we can get that many at the meeting and it's less work and less grief for the drama queens.  😮

That's what happens when drama is " CREATED "

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Ends on the 31st only 26 votes so far.......hell we can get that many at the meeting and it's less work and less grief for the drama queens.  😮

That's what happens when drama is " CREATED "

Chuck we get it, you are not in favor of the motion. The board wants it to be revisted by the membership and it is going on the ballot.

This is the way it works in a membership run club..........................

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Ends on the 31st only 26 votes so far.......hell we can get that many at the meeting and it's less work and less grief for the drama queens.  😮

That's what happens when drama is " CREATED "

Chuck we get it, you are not in favor of the motion. The board wants it to be revisted by the membership and it is going on the ballot.

This is the way it works in a membership run club..........................

That my friend is what I'm not in favor of. >:(

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Ends on the 31st only 26 votes so far.......hell we can get that many at the meeting and it's less work and less grief for the drama queens.  😮

That's what happens when drama is " CREATED "

Chuck we get it, you are not in favor of the motion. The board wants it to be revisted by the membership and it is going on the ballot.

This is the way it works in a membership run club..........................

That my friend is what I'm not in favor of. >:(

It falls under this:

Article III
RULES: Roberts Rules of governing shall govern all proceedings, while the O.T.H.G.A. By-Laws/Rulebook shall govern overall club direction and the Rule Book shall govern all club races. Motions voted on and passed or rejected by majority of the membership present at a meeting will stay in effect for the period of 1 calendar year from implementation unless reversed/amended in an executive session called by the board in which the motion will be readdressed with the general membership (used in the case of a motion being passed and after considerable amount of time information indicates motion not working as intended or to benefit the membership).

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Ends tonight and we will have the parameters to form the motion.
Thanks for voting.  🙂

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32 votes and tad over a hour to go.

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OK, flat rate beat out class minimums and 25 points was the top vote getter of the flat rate options. So a flat rate 25 points will be one facet of the motion.

Current Class minimums (South members only and on Overall) 14 (42.4%)
Flat Rate of 35 points 7 (21.2%)
Flat Rate of 33 points 1 (3%)
Flat Rate of 30 points 2 (6.1%)
Flat Rate of 25 points 9 (27.3%)


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