Edwards AFB Race 10...
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Edwards AFB Race 10 26 08

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Anyone who would care to update on how the races went today I would appreciate it.  How was the weather, how did timing of things go?  Did they combine a single OTHG race or did  they split them up.  Sorry I missed today but have to work, behind on a new project/contract.  Look forward to hearing something about the days events.

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Weather was great, maybe low 80's no wind. We got two races, beg & nov third race ,Int & expert race eight.
Track was fun long and rough. I think someone said we had about 40 gang members representing.

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Hey Redrider...
The weather could not have been more perfect! In the 28 years I've been racing there it's never been this nice. No wind - blue skies.
Race 3 = OTHG beg/nov
Race 8 = OTHG masters/exp/int
Went off without any glitches! CRC was glad to have us there, and made us feel very welcome.
Races were over by 3:00ish! The track didn't disappoint - deep sand, long track and ROUGH!
And as usual all the gang members brought their great racing attitude and friendship.
Great job, great racing, great day!

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Ditto what Curt said.  And all the CRC guys and track people that I talked to were very nice. 

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I thought for sure the santa barbra recking crew was goin to be there. You guys missed out. It did get a tad warm but a wonderful breeze was passing through making for a great day of racing.

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Where do we begin...I agree with what Curt said and as usual I agree that racing with the gang is always a great day.  The weather just made it better.  Curt I have to say you did a great job today.  We had a great time sitting around with you, Charlotte, Bob Blake, Bob G & Valerie, Franck, Kristi, Tucker, Ron V., Vicki & friends.  Two great weekends of racing in a row.  I have to thank you though for making all us guys look bad in front of our wives.  As the story goes, after your wife Charlotte tells my wife that last Tuesday, after the National in Glen Helen, you came home with a big bouquet of flowers just to thank her for all her help she gave you at Glen Helen.  Thanks bud!!!!  Now as I sit here eating my Mr. Goodbar listening to my wife say "Wasn't that sweet of Curt" I'm thinking to myself, hmmm those 09' Hondas are coming out.  Which reminds me the other day I got a call from the Honda dealership asking for a reference on Curt James.  Don't worry pal, I gave you a good one.  Well my candybar is almost gone.  I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in the gang for a great weekend. 


P.S.  Don't worry bud, your secret is safe with me!  ;D

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I just want to say even tho I've only got to watch the nationals and edwards I want to say its almost as fun as racing because of the friendships and the bench racing that goes on.. I sure hope they can keep that track going, And I hope when we all get a chance We thank Jack B. the promoter for inviting us to join him... It was a great day of racing <Boy I need to ride> But even a greater to see the members who did show up enjoy themselves....  see you all at the meeting.. REMEMBER TO VOTE.


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This Tuesday I'm going to buy Charlotte a new car for getting up at 4:00am and driving to Edward's with me. Or, should it
be diamonds? Ron Verbeek was talking about diamonds this morning... I haven't made up my mind yet! 😉
Have a great week.

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Hey Curt, so let me know which one you decide on because I was planning on doing the exact same thing for my wife because she got up at 3 am to come with me today.  I wouldn't want these women to get the same thing.  Although, it's been awhile since I've bought my wife diamonds.  I just got her a new car last year.  I think Ron had a great idea today!!!!


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That was a very fun track. You guys were not killing when you said this is a sand track.... Felt like riding on the beach.
Very fun. Great racing, great weather, and great people.. What more can you ask. (Oh yeah... a bit of competition.... sorry Ron )
What happen to those guys that run 2 classes.... too hot for you? The weather was perfect, the races were short, you missed out. It was a blast to mixed it out with those guys.
See you guys next time.
And by the way, Kurt and Ed, you guys should definitlly go for the diamonds. Those wives of yours do deserve some Diamonds. I can't believe what they do
for you guys. Treat them right. ( I am jealous...) 

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When I saw the sand yesterday morning I was thinking it was going to be a bad day (because typically I suck in the sand).  But I was pleasantly surprised at how well my new bike handled.  The first thing I did was just turn the steering stabilizer all the way in on my '09 Honda and it seemed to make a difference!  That probably was the best I've ever ridden in the sand...kind of makes me hopeful I'll do better at Fernley next year.

In my class I had nothing for Brian Larrick.  Brian is just fast no matter what track!  Even still, it was fun nonetheless.  The jumps were all fairly easy on distance but the jump faces were another story.  I didn't feel comfortable jumping the ones with slotted faces...the risk just wasn't worth it to me.  I thought the track crew did a pretty good job reprepping the jumps a couple of times throughout the day...they just needed to reprep them before MY race!  >:(  😉    😀

Well, one race down, three to go!  I'm looking forward to being done with this season...doing all of the races makes for a long year and certainly is a bit tiring.  I'm hoping that next year we won't have as many back to back races, especially after a national, cause that's what makes it really tough.  It's definitely been fun though!  I can't say I haven't gotten enough racing this year!


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It was a great day for racing even though I stink it the sand. Fun times with "family" gathered around the e-z up. Curt (the pot stirrer) James had all the guys reeling from the flower story. Now he's talking cars or diamonds. Sheez!  Good times. 

Thanks to CRC for putting on a smooth event and to our scorekeepers for keeping us in line.
Bob G.

I had alittle incident at the front gate Sunday morning. It seems my eyes are worst than I thought. I looked at the insurance info. in the truck Saturday night and figured everything was ok. Well the card did read good to November but that was last year. To make a long story short I had to go into the office and a Sargent told me that there would be a citation issued but, I would have to go to Bakersfield to take care of it. Well after a few minutes another soldier told me that she was going to give me a break and showed me that the penalty for no proof of insurance was a $715.00 fine. I thank her and went racing.  Bless her heart! 

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Those that did not attend missed a great event!

Racing with CRC allowed us to do something that we do not get to do very often. Watch and cheer on the other OTHG racers.

When race 3 the OTHG Novice/Beg race was on the track most of us Exp/Int where at the side of the track cheering them on. And when we Exp/Int members were racing in race 8 most of the OTHG Nov/Beg where there cheering us on.

I used to ride that track very well....but you could not tell by the way I rode yesterday.  ::)

But it is still one of my favorite tracks.

On a last note, if you did not take the time to stop and see the planes that are on display not too far from the track you missed it.

You could see a A-10 Warthog, F-4 Phantom, B- 52, A-7 Corsair and a SR-71 Black Bird up close and personal.  8)

SR-71 photo:

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That was a very fun track. You guys were not killing when you said this is a sand track.... Felt like riding on the beach.
Very fun. Great racing, great weather, and great people.. What more can you ask. (Oh yeah... a bit of competition.... sorry Ron )
What happen to those guys that run 2 classes.... too hot for you? The weather was perfect, the races were short, you missed out. It was a blast to mixed it out with those guys.
See you guys next time.
And by the way, Kurt and Ed, you guys should definitlly go for the diamonds. Those wives of yours do deserve some Diamonds. I can't believe what they do
for you guys. Treat them right. ( I am jealous...) 

Who won the 45 Novice class?  Was Heckel and Jeckel there?  Did Amzoil Mark win it?  Who won it.......

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Race day at Edwards was grate , The weather was perfect . This track should be a must for next years schedule,
grate times,

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