2011 OTHG Awards Ba...
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2011 OTHG Awards Banquet Flyer & Information

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 629

Chucky and Bobby G,  I will miss you guys at the banquet.  Look forward to see you both at the up coming events. 

Joined: 16 years ago
Posts: 270

Ira, it is quite an accomplishment to have attended all five Nationals. I've been able to do it the past two years. This years plaque is special as it bears the number 18, the number I earned as an Iron man. Although I would have liked to have had it presented to me by President Hamblin, I figure to use the three hundred smakeroonies the banquet usually costs me, ( new dress AND shoes for the wife, room and dinner ) towards an assault on the number 1 plate. So as we will miss you all, Nancy and I WILL be there next year with a stunning new dress and some new shoes just like the the other pair that was left behind in Emelda's closet.

Hey, you can get the number 1 plate I'm all for it.....go Chucky go 😉 😉 Does this mean intermediate class this yr 😀 😀

Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 370

Just dropped my son off at UT Austin, but wanted to tell you gangsters to carry on as you usually do on the big banquet night!  Great group of folks that know how to celebrate racing and friendships.  First banquet I'm missing after some 16 years of membership - thanks to all that make the OTHG what it is.  Good luck on the new season, etc.
Yukon Jack

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